sqlserver where like
时间: 2024-09-29 18:08:18 浏览: 58
SQL Server 中的 `LIKE` 是一个用于模式匹配的运算符,常用于 `SELECT` 语句中的 `WHERE` 子句,它允许你在查询结果中查找特定模式的值。`LIKE` 运算符的基本语法是:
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name LIKE pattern;
`pattern` 可能包含两个特殊字符:
1. `%`(百分号):代表零个、一个或多个任意字符,用于通配匹配。例如,`'%abc%'` 将匹配所有包含 'abc' 的字符串。
2. `_`(下划线):代表单个任意字符。例如,`'a_b_c_'` 将匹配 'abc1', 'abc2', 等等,但不会匹配 'abcc' 或 'abcde'。
- 查找名字中包含 "John" 的员工:`SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Name LIKE '%John%'`
- 查找姓氏为 Smith 的员工,名字第二个字母为 a:`SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE LastName = 'Smith' AND FirstName LIKE '_a%'`
sql server反向like
在 SQL Server 中,可以使用 LIKE 运算符来匹配多个条件。可以使用通配符 % 来表示任意字符,使用 _ 来表示单个字符。例如,可以使用以下语句来匹配包含 "apple" 或 "banana" 的字符串:
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE '%apple%' OR column_name LIKE '%banana%'
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE 'apple%' OR column_name LIKE '%banana'
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE '%apple%' AND column_name NOT LIKE '%banana%'
sqlserver in like
"LIKE" is a keyword in SQL Server used for pattern matching in queries. It is mainly used in the WHERE clause to search for a specified pattern in a column. It is often used with wildcard characters like '%' (matches any sequence of characters) and '_' (matches any single character).
For example, if you want to search for all rows in a table where the "name" column starts with "John", you can use the following query:
SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE name LIKE 'John%'
This will return all rows where the "name" column starts with "John". You can modify the pattern as per your requirements.