Artifact 'SnackSalesWeb:war exploded': java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: A
时间: 2023-12-07 15:36:49 浏览: 153
1. 确认是否有正确的依赖项。在Maven项目中,可以检查pom.xml文件中是否有正确的依赖项。如果缺少依赖项,可以手动添加或使用Maven命令更新依赖项。
2. 清除Maven本地存储库。有时候Maven本地存储库中的文件可能会损坏或过期,可以尝试清除本地存储库并重新构建项目。
3. 检查Tomcat配置。可以检查Tomcat的配置文件,例如server.xml和web.xml,确保它们正确地配置了项目。
4. 检查项目部署。可以检查项目的部署方式,例如war文件或exploded war文件,确保它们正确地部署到Tomcat中。
5. 检查项目代码。可以检查项目代码,查找可能导致这个错误的问题,并进行修复。
Artifact 'pms-web:war exploded': java.lang.IllegalStateException: Duplicate key Validate JSPs in 'pms-web:war exploded'
This error message is indicating that there is a duplicate key in the JSP files of the 'pms-web:war exploded' artifact. This could be caused by multiple JSP files having the same name or having conflicting configurations.
To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:
1. Check all the JSP files in the 'pms-web:war exploded' artifact and ensure that there are no duplicate files with the same name.
2. Check the configuration of the JSP files and ensure that there are no conflicting configurations.
3. If you are using a build tool such as Maven, try cleaning and rebuilding the project to ensure that there are no leftover artifacts causing conflicts.
4. If the issue persists, try removing the 'pms-web:war exploded' artifact and recreating it from scratch.
By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the duplicate key error in the 'pms-web:war exploded' artifact.
Artifact server:war exploded: Error during artifact deployment.
Artifact -war exploded- Error during artifact deployment是在部署WAR文件到服务器时出现的错误。该错误可能由多种原因引起,但真正的原因可能并不复杂。
如果WebServlet这个名字和其他servlet重复,就会出现这个错误。具体的报错信息可能是:Failed to start component [StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/项目]]。
1. 检查是否有重复的servlet类名。确保每个servlet的类名是唯一的。
2. 检查部署的WAR文件是否正确。确保WAR文件中的目录结构和文件命名规范正确。
3. 检查服务器的日志文件以获取更详细的错误信息。日志文件通常位于服务器的安装目录中。