时间: 2024-12-26 09:20:11 浏览: 30
### LeetCode Top 100 Popular Problems
LeetCode provides an extensive collection of algorithmic challenges designed to help developers prepare for technical interviews and enhance their problem-solving skills. The platform categorizes these problems based on popularity, difficulty level, and frequency asked during tech interviews.
The following list represents a curated selection of the most frequently practiced 100 problems from LeetCode:
#### Array & String Manipulation
1. Two Sum[^2]
2. Add Two Numbers (Linked List)[^2]
3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
#### Dynamic Programming
4. Climbing Stairs
5. Coin Change
6. House Robber
#### Depth-First Search (DFS) / Breadth-First Search (BFS)
7. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal[^3]
8. Surrounded Regions
9. Number of Islands
#### Backtracking
10. Combination Sum
11. Subsets
12. Permutations
#### Greedy Algorithms
13. Jump Game
14. Gas Station
15. Task Scheduler
#### Sliding Window Technique
16. Minimum Size Subarray Sum
17. Longest Repeating Character Replacement
#### Bit Manipulation
18. Single Number[^1]
19. Maximum Product of Word Lengths
20. Reverse Bits
This list continues up until reaching approximately 100 items covering various categories including but not limited to Trees, Graphs, Sorting, Searching, Math, Design Patterns, etc.. Each category contains multiple representative questions that cover fundamental concepts as well as advanced techniques required by leading technology companies when conducting software engineering candidate assessments.
For those interested in improving logical thinking through gaming activities outside traditional study methods, certain types of video games have been shown beneficial effects similar to engaging directly within competitive coding platforms [^4].
--related questions--
1. How does participating in online coding competitions benefit personal development?
2. What specific advantages do DFS/BFS algorithms offer compared to other traversal strategies?
3. Can you provide examples illustrating how bit manipulation improves performance efficiency?
4. In what ways might regular participation in programming contests influence job interview success rates?
5. Are there any notable differences between solving problems on paper versus implementing solutions programmatically?