时间: 2024-09-20 16:01:56 浏览: 44
首先,在Excel中按下 `Alt + F11` 打开Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 窗口,然后插入一个新的模块(Module),你可以命名为 "CopyAndMultiply"。
Sub CopyDataMultiply()
Dim sourceSheet As Worksheet ' Source sheet (Sheet1)
Dim destSheet As Worksheet ' Destination sheet (new one)
Dim sourceRange As Range ' Range to copy from Sheet1
Dim newRow As Long ' Index for the new row in the destination sheet
Dim sourceCell As Range ' Cell iterator in G column
Dim rateCell As Range ' Cell containing the exchange rate
Set sourceSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set destSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:=sourceSheet) ' Create a new sheet after Sheet1
newRow = 2 ' Start at row 2 since you want to multiply starting from the second row
' Copy all data from Sheet1's A1:G1000 to the destination sheet, inserting a new H column
With destSheet
.Name = "Sheet1_copy" ' Rename the destination sheet (optional)
Set sourceRange = sourceSheet.Range("A1:G1000") ' Adjust this range if needed
sourceRange.Copy .Cells(1, 1) ' Paste to top-left cell
' Insert a new H column and set its width
.Columns("H").Insert Shift:=xlToLeft
End With
' Multiply values in Sheet1's G column by the exchange rate
Set rateCell = Worksheets("实时汇率").Range("A2") ' Adjust the sheet name and cell reference as needed
For Each sourceCell In sourceSheet.Range("G2":G1000) ' Loop through cells from G2 to the last row
If Not IsEmpty(sourceCell.Value) Then ' Skip empty cells
.Range("H" & newRow).Value = sourceCell.Value * rateCell.Value
End If
newRow = newRow + 1
Next sourceCell
End Sub
记得替换代码中的 "Sheet1", "实时汇率", "A2", 和范围限制 ("A1:G1000") 为实际的工作表名、需要使用的单元格以及你要处理的实际数据范围。