Component name "login" should always be multi-word
时间: 2023-12-05 08:09:23 浏览: 229
False. Component names can be single or multi-word. It depends on the naming convention being used and the specific context in which the component is being used. For example, in some cases, it may make sense to use a single-word component name like "search" or "menu", while in other cases, a multi-word component name like "user-profile" or "checkout-form" may be more appropriate. Ultimately, the most important thing is that the component name accurately reflects the functionality and purpose of the component.
[eslint] D:\demo\src\main.js 11:15 error Component name "cart" should always be multi-word vue/multi-word-component-names 12:15 error Component name "home" should always be multi-word vue/multi-word-component-names 13:15 error Component name "login" should always be multi-word vue/multi-word-component-names 14:15 error Component name "order" should always be multi-word vue/multi-word-component-names 15:15 error Component name "product" should always be multi-word vue/multi-word-component-names ✖ 5 problems (5 errors, 0 warnings)
这是一个 ESLint 的错误,提示你在组件命名时应该使用多个单词。这是因为单词组件名可能会与 HTML 标签或其他开发人员创建的组件名冲突。为了避免这种情况,Vue.js 社区通常建议使用多个单词的命名方式。
你可以根据 ESLint 的建议,将组件名更改为多个单词,如 "CartView"、"HomeContainer"、"LoginPanel"、"OrderList"、"ProductDetails" 等等。
如果你不想更改组件名,也可以在 ESLint 配置文件中禁用这个规则,或者将其视为警告而不是错误。
Eslint检验项目报错 Component name xxx should always be multi-word vue/multi-word-component-names解决参考
Eslint报错"Component name xxx should always be multi-word vue/multi-word-component-names"表示组件名应该始终是多单词,不应该以单个单词命名组件。解决方法可以有两种:
const { defineConfig } = require('@vue/cli-service')
module.exports = defineConfig({
transpileDependencies: true,
lintOnSave: false
module.exports = {
// ...
overrides: [
files: ['src/views/**/*.vue'],
rules: {
'vue/multi-word-component-names': 0,
这样就可以解决Eslint检验项目报错"Component name xxx should always be multi-word vue/multi-word-component-names"的问题。