[1] 20752 -bash: $: command not found [1]+ Exit 127 $ sudo mysqld_safe --init-file=/path/to/mysql-init,用中文回答
时间: 2024-05-29 20:12:56 浏览: 98
命令行提示“20752 -bash: $: command not found [1] Exit 127”,这可能是因为$符号被当做了命令来执行,而不是变量的引用。建议检查命令语法和变量使用是否正确。
对于命令“sudo mysqld_safe --init-file=/path/to/mysql-init”,它是用于启动MySQL数据库并且执行指定的初始化脚本。其中“/path/to/mysql-init”是初始化脚本的路径,需要根据实际情况进行替换。该命令需要使用root权限,因此使用sudo命令来执行。
[1] 20752 -bash: $: command not found [1]+ Exit 127 $ sudo mysqld_safe --init-file=/path/to/mysql-init
This error message indicates that the command prompt is trying to execute a command that begins with a "$" symbol, which is not a valid command. It is possible that the "$" symbol was accidentally included in the command when it was entered.
The second part of the error message indicates that the command "sudo mysqld_safe --init-file=/path/to/mysql-init" was executed but exited with an error code of 127. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as a missing or incorrect file path, insufficient permissions, or an issue with the MySQL server itself.
To resolve this issue, try removing the "$" symbol from the beginning of the command, ensuring that the file path specified in the "--init-file" option is correct, and checking that the user executing the command has sufficient permissions to run it. Additionally, you may want to check the MySQL server logs for any error messages that could provide more information about the issue.