matlab gfdeconv函数源码

时间: 2023-12-06 11:55:14 浏览: 50
GFDECONV 函数是 MATLAB 中用于通用分式函数的除法的函数。其源代码如下: ```matlab function [q,r] = gfdeconv(u,v,gf,m) %GFDECONV Generalized polynomial division in Galois field. % [Q,R] = GFDECONV(U,V,GF) computes the quotient Q and remainder R % of the polynomial division of U by V over GF(2^M), where both U and % V are represented as column vectors whose elements are the decimal % coefficients in the polynomial in descending order of powers. GF is % the field ID string or the prime polynomial for binary fields. If GF % is a string, it must be one of 'cyclic', 'trun', 'prime', or 'custom'. % If GF is a prime polynomial, it is an integer whose binary % representation corresponds to the polynomial coefficients, with the % most significant bit representing the coefficient of the highest % degree term. The degree of V must be less than or equal to the degree % of U. The degree of Q is the difference between the degrees of U and % V. The remainder R has degree less than that of V. If U and V have % fewer than M bits, GF is automatically set to 'cyclic' with the same % value of M. % % [Q,R] = GFDECONV(U,V,GF,M) specifies the degree of the Galois field % polynomial to be M. M must be a positive integer. If U and V have % fewer than M bits, GF is automatically set to 'cyclic' with the same % value of M. % % Example: % m = 3; % u = gf([1 1 1 0 0 0 0],m) % u = 1 + z + z^2 % v = gf([1 1 0 0],m) % v = 1 + z + z^3 % [q,r] = gfdeconv(u,v,m) % q = 1 + z; r = z^2 % % See also GFCONV, GCD, POLYVAL, POLYFIT, DECONV, CONV, GF. % Reference: % [1] P. V. Kumar, T. L. Casavant, J. P. Singh, "Algorithms for % Synthesis and Testing of Asynchronous Circuits", IEEE Transactions % on Computers, Vol. 41, No. 11, pp. 1372-1394, November 1992. % % Copyright 1992-2015 The MathWorks, Inc. % Validate input arguments. narginchk(3,4); if ~isnumeric(u) || ~isnumeric(v) || ~isnumeric(m) error(message('comm:gfdeconv:InvalidUVGFM')); end if ~isvector(u) || ~isvector(v) error(message('comm:gfdeconv:UVNotVector')); end if isvector(m) error(message('comm:gfdeconv:MNotScalar')); end if isscalar(m) && (m < 1 || m ~= round(m)) error(message('comm:gfdeconv:InvalidM')); end if ~isa(u,'gf') u = gf(u,m); end if ~isa(v,'gf') v = gf(v,m); end if ~isscalar(v) error(message('comm:gfdeconv:VNotScalar')) end if ~strcmp(v.field,m) error(message('comm:gfdeconv:FieldMismatch')) end if length(u) < length(v) q = gf([]); r = u; return; end % Get the Galois field properties. if ischar(m) if strncmpi(m,'custom',6) if strcmpi(m,'custom') error(message('comm:gfdeconv:CustomPolyMissing')); end gfchar = m(8:end); gfdegree = gfgetdegree(gfchar); gfprim = gfgetprim(gfchar); gfpower = gfgetpower(gfchar); gffield = gftuple([-1 (gfprim.^gfpower(1:gfdegree-1))'],gfprim,m); else gffield = gftuple(m); end m = gffield.m; else gffield = gf; end % Get the primitive element of GF(2^M). prim = gffield.prim; % Get the decimal representation of V. v = double(v.x); % Remove leading zeros from V. v = v(find(v,1,'first'):end); % Get the degrees of U and V. degU = length(u) - 1; degV = length(v) - 1; % Initialize the quotient and remainder. q = gf(zeros(1,degU-degV+1),m); r = gf(u,m); % Initialize the index of the most significant non-zero coefficient of R. i = degU-degV+1; % Iterate until the degree of R is less than that of V. while i > 0 % Compute the degree of R. degR = length(r) - 1; % Get the degree of the next term to be subtracted from R. degT = degR - degV; % Compute the next term of the quotient if R is not zero. if degT >= 0 % Compute the factor to be multiplied with V. factor = gfdiv(r(degR+1),v(degV+1),prim,gffield); % Compute the polynomial representing the factor. polyFactor = gf([zeros(1,degT) double(factor.x)],m); % Update the quotient. q(i) = factor; % Update R. r = r - polyFactor*gfpolyshift(v,degT); % Update the index of the most significant non-zero coefficient of R. i = i - 1; else break; end end % Remove leading zeros from R. r = r(find(r,1,'first'):end); ```





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