Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "pageSizes". Expected Array, got Number with value 5.
时间: 2023-10-16 09:21:04 浏览: 228
This error message is indicating that a prop called "pageSizes" is expecting an array as its value, but instead it received a number with a value of 5.
To fix this error, you should ensure that the "pageSizes" prop is set to an array. For example, if you want to allow the user to select page sizes of 5, 10, or 20, you could set the "pageSizes" prop to the following array:
pageSizes: [5, 10, 20]
If you are not sure where this prop is being used in your code, you can search for its name in your project files to find its definition and usage.
Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "nowLineNo". Expected Array, got Number with value 2.怎么修改
1. 什么是Vue.js?
2. Vue.js中的props有哪些特点?
3. 如何在Vue.js中使用组件?
Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "fileList". Expected Array, got String with value
这个错误提示是因为你传递给组件的 "fileList" 属性的类型不正确。它期望接收一个数组类型,但你传递了一个字符串类型的值。
要解决这个问题,你需要确保将一个数组作为 "fileList" 属性的值传递给组件。你可以通过确保传递的值是一个数组来修复这个错误。
例如,假设你有一个变量 fileList,你可以这样传递它给组件:
<YourComponent :fileList="fileList" />
确保 fileList 是一个数组类型,而不是一个字符串类型。