eprosima::fastcdr::expection::NotEnoughMemoryExpection: not enough memory in the buffer stream
时间: 2024-01-12 11:02:58 浏览: 198
这个错误信息通常表示 fastcdr 库在序列化或反序列化时需要的缓冲区空间不足。这可能是因为你使用的缓冲区太小,导致无法容纳序列化或反序列化的数据。
解决这个问题的方法是增加缓冲区的大小,或者优化序列化或反序列化的数据,使其可以在当前的缓冲区大小内完成操作。你可以检查你的代码中 fastcdr 库的调用,找到具体哪个操作出现了这个异常,然后针对性地进行优化。
Expection in thread
I'm sorry, but I need more information to understand the issue you are facing. Could you please provide more context and details about the error message you are receiving? What are you trying to do when this error occurs? Any additional information or code snippets would be helpful in identifying the problem.
expection in thread main java.
"Expection in thread main java" 是 Java 编程语言的错误提示信息,意思是主线程出现异常。通常情况下,程序运行过程中出现错误会抛出异常,而主线程是程序的入口,如果在主线程中出现异常,就会导致程序无法正常运行。