用a=eval(input()),b=eval(input()),n=eval(input())分别输入储户的本金a、年利率b和存款年数n,再计算本金利息的和,计算公式为:a x pow((1+b),n) 要求:用format()格式化数字,宽度为10,在指定宽度内右对齐,不够用"+"填充,保留2位小数。
时间: 2023-06-09 09:08:34 浏览: 150
a = eval(input())
b = eval(input())
n = eval(input())
interest = a * pow((1 + b), n) - a
formatted_interest = format(interest, ">10.2f")
print("本金利息的和为:" + formatted_interest)
这段代码会首先从用户那里接收本金、年利率和存款年数的输入,然后使用公式 a x pow((1 b), n) 计算本金利息的和。接着,它将使用 format() 函数对利息金额进行格式化,将其宽度设置为 10 并且在指定宽度内右对齐,不够用" "填充,保留 2 位小数。最后,它会在屏幕上显示出本金利息的和。
a=eval( input ) 2 b=eval( input ) 3 C=eval( input ) print("{: .2f}" . format( (a .+b+C)/3) )
There are some syntax errors in the code you provided. Here's the corrected version:
a = eval(input()) # prompt user to enter a value for a and store it in variable a
b = eval(input()) # prompt user to enter a value for b and store it in variable b
c = eval(input()) # prompt user to enter a value for c and store it in variable c
print("{:.2f}".format((a * b * c) / 3)) # calculate the average of a, b, and c, and print it with 2 decimal places
Note that the input function should be called with parentheses, and each input should be on a separate line. Also, I changed the variable name from C to c to follow Python's naming convention for variables (lowercase).
将a=eval(input("请输入a=")) b=eval(input("请输入b=")) c=a*b while b!=0: a,b=b,a%b print("最大公约数是:",a) print("最小公倍数是:",int(c//a))封装成函数
def gcd_lcm():
a = eval(input("请输入a="))
b = eval(input("请输入b="))
c = a * b
while b != 0:
a, b = b, a % b
print("最大公约数是:", a)
print("最小公倍数是:", int(c // a))
这样,你就可以在其他地方直接调用 `gcd_lcm()` 函数,而不需要再重复输入这些代码了。