Uncaught TypeError: _this.setTemplateDetails is not a function at Object.onChange
时间: 2024-04-04 20:29:05 浏览: 168
这个错误通常表示您正在尝试在未定义的对象上调用方法。在这种情况下,错误发生在 `onChange` 函数中,该函数尝试调用一个名为 `setTemplateDetails` 的方法,但是 `_this` 对象上没有 `setTemplateDetails` 方法。
这种情况通常发生在您试图在一个不正确的上下文中调用方法。请检查 `_this` 对象是否已经被正确地声明和初始化,并且 `setTemplateDetails` 方法是否已经被正确地定义。如果您仍然无法解决问题,请提供更多上下文或代码,以便我能够更好地帮助您找到问题所在。
Uncaught TypeError: _ctx.deleteById is not a function
This error message is indicating that there is a problem with the code where the function deleteById is being called. It looks like the function is not defined properly or it does not exist.
To fix this error, you need to ensure that the deleteById function is defined properly and that it is accessible from the code where it is being called. You should also check that the parameter being passed to the function is of the correct type, as this can sometimes cause this type of error.
If you are still having trouble after checking these things, it may be helpful to review the code and try to identify any other issues that could be causing the problem. It can also be useful to consult the documentation or seek help from other developers who may have experience with similar issues.
上述代码报错:Uncaught TypeError: _this2.layerGroup.enableDragging is not a function at MapView._this2.handleKeyDown (mapView.js:505:1)
1. **确认`layerGroup`对象是否正确初始化**:确保`layerGroup`对象已经正确创建,并且包含`enableDragging`方法。
2. **检查库版本**:确认你使用的库版本是否支持`enableDragging`方法。有些库的方法可能会在不同的版本中有所变化。
3. **调试代码**:在调用`enableDragging`方法之前,添加一些调试代码,检查`layerGroup`对象的状态和包含的方法。
handleKeyDown: function(event) {
console.log(this.layerGroup); // 调试代码,查看layerGroup对象的状态
console.log(typeof this.layerGroup.enableDragging); // 调试代码,检查enableDragging是否为函数
if (typeof this.layerGroup.enableDragging === 'function') {
} else {
console.error('enableDragging is not a function');