python yys

时间: 2023-11-05 10:57:55 浏览: 48
python yys是一个基于Python编写的阴阳师脚本。它使用了PyQt库来实现界面的设计,通过信号与槽的机制实现不同组件之间的交互。同时,它也依赖于第三方库Pillow来处理图片。 在主程序main.py中,通过创建QApplication和QMainWindow对象,加载yysqt界面,并显示在屏幕上。 在设置文件settings.py中定义了一些变量,用于存储阴阳师脚本的相关设置,比如起始坐标、结束点击范围、运行状态等。 在yysqt.py中定义了pyqt的界面相关内容。 请问还有其他关于python yys的问题吗?


以下是使用Python进行阴阳师爬虫的示例代码: ```python import requests # 发送请求并获取网页内容 url = '' response = requests.get(url) html = response.text # 解析网页内容,提取数据 # 这里需要根据具体的网页结构和需求进行解析,以下是一个示例 # 假设需要获取所有音乐的名称和链接 music_list = [] start_index = html.find('<div class="music-list">') end_index = html.find('</div>', start_index) music_html = html[start_index:end_index] while True: music_start_index = music_html.find('<a href="') if music_start_index == -1: break music_end_index = music_html.find('"', music_start_index + 9) music_link = music_html[music_start_index + 9:music_end_index] music_name_start_index = music_html.find('>', music_end_index) + 1 music_name_end_index = music_html.find('</a>', music_name_start_index) music_name = music_html[music_name_start_index:music_name_end_index] music_list.append({'name': music_name, 'link': music_link}) music_html = music_html[music_name_end_index:] # 打印结果 for music in music_list: print('音乐名称:', music['name']) print('音乐链接:', music['link']) print('--') ``` 请注意,以上代码仅为示例,具体的网页结构和解析方式可能会有所不同,需要根据实际情况进行调整。

select a.IMSI, a.GJ, a.YYS, count(case when substr(b.IMSI,1,5)<>46000 and b.operate_code=2 then a.IMSI else null end) as MRWZGXQQCS, count(case when substr(b.IMSI,1,5)<>46000 and b.operate_code=2 and b.result<>1 then a.IMSI else null) end as MRWZGXQQCS from (select * from spark_odc_dwd.D_ENS_GMAP_MM where p_hour='2023060500') a left join (select * from spark_odc_dwd.D_ENS_GMAP_MM where p_hour='2023060500') b on a.IMSI=b.IMSI group by a.IMSI, a.GJ, a.YYS报错说mismatched input 'when' expecting {')', ','}(line 6, pos 11),[1.1] failure: identifier matching regex (?i)SHOW expected

这是一段 SQL 语句,看起来有一些语法错误。根据报错信息,可能是在第六行的语句中,case when 后面缺少了一个 end。你可以在第六行的第二个 count 函数后面加上 end,这样就可以避免这个错误了。同时,在 group by 语句中,可能需要把第二个 count 函数的别名也加入到 group by 语句中,以避免语法错误。


select '#{time yyyyMMdd}0000' TIME_ID, a.IMSI, a.GJ, a.YYS, count(case when substr(b.IMSI,1,5)<>46000 and b.operate_code=2 then a.IMSI else null end) as MRWZGXQQCS, count(case when substr(b.IMSI,1,5)<>46000 and b.operate_code=2 and b.result<>1 then a.IMSI else null end) as MRWZGXCGCS, case when count(case when substr(b.IMSI,1,5)<>46000 and b.operate_code=2 then a.IMSI else null end)=0 then 0 else count(case when substr(b.IMSI,1,5)<>46000 and b.operate_code=2 and b.result<>1 then a.IMSI else null)/count(case when substr(b.IMSI,1,5)<>46000 and b.operate_code=2 then a.IMSI else null end) as MRWZGXCGL, sum(c.MRZJCS) as MRZJCS, sum(c.MRZJHJCGCS) as MRZJHJCGCS, sum(d.MRBJCS) as MRBJCS, sum(d.MRBJHJCGCS) as MRBJHJCGCS, case when sum(c.MRZJCS)=0 then 0 else sum(c.MRZJHJCGCS)/sum(c.MRZJCS) end as MRZJWLJTL, case when sum(c.MRZJCS)=0 then 0 else sum(d.MRBJHJCGCS)/sum(d.MRBJCS) end as MRBJWLJTL, count(case when substr(b.msc,1,2)<>86 and a.GJ is not null and b.operate_code=2 then a.IMSI else null end) as MCWZGXQQCS, count(case when substr(b.msc,1,2)<>86 and a.GJ is not null and b.operate_code=2 and b.result<>1 then a.IMSI else null end) as MCWZGXCGCS, case when count(case when substr(b.msc,1,2)<>86 and a.GJ is not null and b.operate_code=2 then a.IMSI else null end)=0 then 0 else count(case when substr(b.msc,1,2)<>86 and a.GJ is not null and b.operate_code=2 and b.result<>1 then a.IMSI else null end)/ count(case when substr(b.msc,1,2)<>86 and a.GJ is not null and b.operate_code=2 then a.IMSI else null end) as MCWZGXCGL, now() LOAD_TIME from (select * from TAB_A union select * from TAB_B union select * from TAB_C)a left join (select * from spark_odc_dwd.D_ENS_GMAP_MM where p_hour='#{time yyyyMMddHH}') b on a.IMSI=b.IMSI left join TAB_D c on a.IMSI=c.calling_imsi left join TAB_E d on a.IMSI=d.called_imsi group by a.IMSI, a.GJ, a.YYS

mismatched input 'count' expecting <EOF>(line 1, pos 379) == SQL == insert overwrite table spark_odc_data.D_RE_BA_RAD_MAP_H partition(p_hour = '2023060600') select '202306060000' TIME_ID, a.IMSI, a.GJ, a.YYS, count(case when substr(b.IMSI,1,5)<>46000 and b.operate_code=2 then a.IMSI else null end) as MRWZGXQQCS, count(case when substr(b.IMSI,1,5)<>46000 and b.operate_code=2 and b.result<>1 then a.IMSI else null end) as MRWZGXCGCS, case when count(case when substr(b.IMSI,1,5)<>46000 and b.operate_code=2 then a.IMSI else null end)=0 then 0 else count(case when substr(b.IMSI,1,5)<>46000 and b.operate_code=2 and b.result<>1 then a.IMSI else null)/count(case when substr(b.IMSI,1,5)<>46000 and b.operate_code=2 then a.IMSI else null end) as MRWZGXCGL, sum(c.MRZJCS) as MRZJCS, sum(c.MRZJHJCGCS) as MRZJHJCGCS, sum(d.MRBJCS) as MRBJCS, sum(d.MRBJHJCGCS) as MRBJHJCGCS, case when sum(c.MRZJCS)=0 then 0 else sum(c.MRZJHJCGCS)/sum(c.MRZJCS) end as MRZJWLJTL, case when sum(c.MRZJCS)=0 then 0 else sum(d.MRBJHJCGCS)/sum(d.MRBJCS) end as MRBJWLJTL, count(case when substr(b.msc,1,2)<>86 and a.GJ is not null and b.operate_code=2 then a.IMSI else null end) as MCWZGXQQCS, count(case when substr(b.msc,1,2)<>86 and a.GJ is not null and b.operate_code=2 and b.result<>1 then a.IMSI else null end) as MCWZGXCGCS, case when count(case when substr(b.msc,1,2)<>86 and a.GJ is not null and b.operate_code=2 then a.IMSI else null end)=0 then 0 else count(case when substr(b.msc,1,2)<>86 and a.GJ is not null and b.operate_code=2 and b.result<>1 then a.IMSI else null end)/ count(case when substr(b.msc,1,2)<>86 and a.GJ is not null and b.operate_code=2 then a.IMSI else null end) as MCWZGXCGL, now() LOAD_TIME







FT-Prog-v3.12.38.643-FTD USB 工作模式设定及eprom读写

FT_Prog_v3.12.38.643--FTD USB 工作模式设定及eprom读写








管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


![实现实时数据湖架构:Kafka与Hive集成]( # 1. 实时数据湖架构概述** 实时数据湖是一种现代数据管理架构,它允许企业以低延迟的方式收集、存储和处理大量数据。与传统数据仓库不同,实时数据湖不依赖于预先定义的模式,而是采用灵活的架构,可以处理各种数据类型和格式。这种架构为企业提供了以下优势: - **实时洞察:**实时数据湖允许企业访问最新的数据,从而做出更明智的决策。 - **数据民主化:**实时数据湖使各种利益相关者都可

2. 通过python绘制y=e-xsin(2πx)图像

可以使用matplotlib库来绘制这个函数的图像。以下是一段示例代码: ```python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def func(x): return np.exp(-x) * np.sin(2 * np.pi * x) x = np.linspace(0, 5, 500) y = func(x) plt.plot(x, y) plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') plt.title('y = e^{-x} sin(2πx)') ``` 运行这段

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