Runtime.getRuntime().exec("字符串")引发的 Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c tasklist ");
时间: 2023-12-15 12:28:43 浏览: 114
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("字符串")方法是Java中的一个方法,它可以在运行时执行一个系统命令。当你调用Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c tasklist")时,它实际上会执行Windows命令行中的tasklist命令。tasklist命令会列出当前正在运行的进程。
Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("java -jar ../../../../../lib/xxl-job-admin-2.4.0.jar");
这段代码的作用是在Java程序中执行一个外部命令,即运行一个名为xxl-job-admin-2.4.0.jar的Java可执行文件。具体来说,它使用了Java的Runtime类和exec()方法来创建一个新的进程,并在该进程中执行给定的命令。在这种情况下,命令是"java -jar ../../../../../lib/xxl-job-admin-2.4.0.jar",它将在当前工作目录的相对路径中查找xxl-job-admin-2.4.0.jar文件并运行它。
The `Runtime.getRuntime().exec()` method is a Java method used to execute a command in a separate process. It returns an instance of the `Process` class that represents the new process. It takes a single argument, which is the command to be executed in the newly created process.
For example, the following code will execute the command "ls" (list directory contents) in a separate process:
This will create a new process that executes the "ls" command and outputs the results to the console.
It is important to note that this method can potentially be dangerous if used improperly, as it allows the execution of arbitrary system commands. It is recommended to sanitize user input before passing it to this method to prevent malicious commands from being executed.