时间: 2024-05-22 20:15:52 浏览: 117
This line of code is used in Python's Matplotlib library to disable the rendering of the negative sign as a hyphen (-) in plots and graphs. By default, Matplotlib uses a hyphen to represent negative numbers, but this can be confusing in some cases, especially when working with math or financial data. The `plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus']=False` command changes the default behavior so that negative signs are displayed as actual minus signs (−), which is more visually consistent and easier to read.
在 Matplotlib 中,plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] 用于设置负号的 Unicode 显示。将它设为 false 可以关闭 Unicode 显示,使用 ASCII 字符 '-' 来代替。
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
This line of code is used in Python to turn off the display of negative signs as a minus symbol in Matplotlib plots. By default, Matplotlib uses the Unicode minus sign (U+2212) to display negative signs. However, some systems may not support this symbol, and it may be replaced by a hyphen. Setting "axes.unicode_minus" parameter to False ensures that negative signs are always displayed as a minus symbol in Matplotlib plots.