VBA 判断多个变量为空
时间: 2024-09-28 07:03:26 浏览: 41
在VBA中,判断多个变量是否为空(即值为`Null`、`Empty`、或是空字符串`""`),可以使用嵌套的`If...Then...ElseIf...`结构。下面是一个示例,假设我们有三个变量`Var1`, `Var2`, 和 `Var3`:
Sub CheckVariables()
Dim Var1 As Variant, Var2 As Variant, Var3 As Variant
' 初始化变量
Var1 = ""
Var2 = Nothing
Var3 = 0
If Var1 = "" Or Var1 Is Null Then
MsgBox "Var1 is empty or Null."
End If
If Var2 Is Empty Then
MsgBox "Var2 is Empty."
ElseIf Var2 = 0 And Not IsNumeric(Var2) Then ' 检查是否为数值类型的0
MsgBox "Var2 is zero and not a number."
MsgBox "Var2 is not empty or null."
End If
If Var3 = 0 And Not IsNumeric(Var3) Then ' 同样检查Var3是否为数值型的0
MsgBox "Var3 is zero and not a number."
MsgBox "Var3 is not empty or null."
End If
End Sub