用R语言 Select a dataset from the datasets package, describe the dataset, create a histogram with the ggplot2 package and analyse the graph
时间: 2024-02-28 21:56:09 浏览: 66
- mpg:每加仑油能行驶的英里数
- cyl:汽缸数
- disp:发动机排量
- hp:马力
- drat:后桥速比
- wt:重量
- qsec:1/4英里加速时间
- vs:发动机形式(V形或直列)
- am:变速器类型(手动或自动)
- gear:前进档位数
- carb:化油器数量
ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg)) + geom_histogram()
用R语言 Select a dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository, describe the dataset, create a box plot with the lattice package and analyse the graph
Sure, I can help you with that. Here are the steps to answer your question:
Step 1: Select a dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository
For this example, let's use the "Wine Quality" dataset. This dataset contains information about the physicochemical properties of different types of wine, as well as their quality ratings.
Step 2: Describe the dataset
The "Wine Quality" dataset contains 1599 observations with 12 variables. The first 11 variables provide information about the physicochemical properties of the wine, such as its acidity, alcohol content, and pH. The last variable is the quality rating of the wine, which ranges from 0 to 10. The goal of this dataset is to predict the quality rating of the wine based on its physicochemical properties.
Step 3: Create a box plot with the lattice package
To create a box plot with the lattice package, we first need to load the package and the dataset:
Next, we can create a box plot of the alcohol content by quality rating:
bwplot(alcohol ~ quality, data = wine,
main = "Boxplot of Alcohol Content by Wine Quality",
xlab = "Quality Rating", ylab = "Alcohol Content")
Step 4: Analyse the graph
The resulting box plot shows the distribution of alcohol content for each quality rating of the wine. We can see that as the quality rating of the wine increases, the median alcohol content also increases. Additionally, we can see that there are some outliers in the lower quality ratings, indicating that there may be some variability in alcohol content within those ratings.
Overall, the box plot provides a visual summary of the distribution of alcohol content for each quality rating of the wine, allowing us to quickly compare and contrast the different ratings.
用R语言Select a dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository, describe the dataset, create a dot plot with the lattice package and analyse the graph
1. 选择数据集
在 UCI Machine Learning Repository 上选择一个数据集,这里我们以 "Forest Fires Data Set" 数据集为例。这个数据集是葡萄牙北部森林火灾的记录,包含了 517 个样本,每个样本有 12 个变量。
2. 描述数据集
这个数据集包含了以下 12 个变量:
- X - x 轴的空间坐标
- Y - y 轴的空间坐标
- month - 月份 (jan to dec)
- day - 星期几 (mon to sun)
- FFMC - 林地火险天数系统 (0 to 100)
- DMC - 树种干燥度 (0 to 100)
- DC - 低层大气干燥度 (0 to 100)
- ISI - 初始蔓延指数 (0 to 100)
- temp - 摄氏温度 (2.2 to 33.3)
- RH - 相对湿度 (15 to 100)
- wind - 风速 (0.4 to 9.4)
- rain - 降水量 (0.0 to 6.4)
其中,前两个变量是森林火灾的位置坐标,月份和星期几是火灾发生的时间,后面 8 个变量是与火灾相关的气象数据。
3. 用 lattice 包创建点图
首先,我们需要安装并加载 lattice 包:
# 读入数据
forest_fires <- read.csv("forestfires.csv", header = TRUE)
# 创建点图
dotplot(as.factor(forest_fires$month) ~ forest_fires$rain, xlab = "Rain", ylab = "Month", main = "Forest Fires by Month and Rain")
4. 分析点图
从点图中可以看出,森林火灾在夏季和秋季的发生频率最高,而在冬季的发生频率最低。另外,随着降水量的增加,火灾的发生率逐渐降低。这个点图也可以用来检查异常值和离群值,例如,可能会注意到一些月份下火灾数量很少,这可能是由于数据采集过程中的偏差导致的。此外,还可以通过更改 x 轴变量和 y 轴变量来探索数据集中其他特征与森林火灾之间的关系。