时间: 2023-11-12 13:06:44 浏览: 144
Example example = new Example(User.class);
Example.Criteria criteria1 = example.createCriteria();
criteria1.andEqualTo("name", "Tom");
Example.Criteria criteria2 = example.createCriteria();
criteria2.andEqualTo("age", 20);
mybatis example $ sql注入
MyBatis provides various features to prevent SQL injection attacks. Here are a few examples:
1. Parameterized queries: MyBatis uses parameterized queries, which separate the SQL code from the user input. This approach helps prevent SQL injection by treating user input as parameters rather than concatenating them directly into the SQL statement.
2. Dynamic SQL tags: MyBatis allows the use of dynamic SQL tags, such as `<if>`, `<choose>`, and `<foreach>`, which help in constructing SQL queries dynamically. These tags automatically handle proper escaping and parameterization of user input.
3. Type handlers: MyBatis employs type handlers to convert Java types to and from database types. These handlers ensure that user input is properly escaped or sanitized when passing it to the database, minimizing the risk of SQL injection attacks.
It is important to properly utilize these features and follow best practices when using MyBatis to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities.
mybatis example类属性就有哪些
MyBatis Example 类的属性通常包括:
1. `Criteria`:查询条件,可以通过 `and` 和 `or` 方法来组合查询条件,例如:`criteria.andEqualTo("name", "张三")` 表示等于条件。
2. `OrderByClause`:排序条件,可以通过 `setOrderByClause` 方法来设置排序字段和排序方式,例如:`example.setOrderByClause("id DESC")` 表示按照 `id` 字段倒序排序。
3. `Distinct`:是否去重,可以通过 `setDistinct` 方法来设置是否去重。
4. `Page`:分页条件,可以通过 `setPageNum` 和 `setPageSize` 方法来设置分页查询的页码和每页数据量。
5. `OredCriteria`:多个查询条件的集合,可以通过 `createCriteria` 方法来创建一个 `Criteria` 对象,然后通过 `oredCriteria.add(criteria)` 方法将 `Criteria` 对象添加到 `OredCriteria` 集合中。
通过设置这些属性,可以对数据库表进行灵活的查询操作。例如,使用 `Criteria` 对象设置查询条件,然后将 `Criteria` 对象添加到 `OredCriteria` 集合中,最后将 `OredCriteria` 对象设置到 `Example` 对象中,就可以进行复杂的查询操作。