请写出收录在ScienceDirect或ISI-SCI Expand的英文文献的题目,各篇内容要求分别含有PyQt、Tkinter、wxpython、kivy、Pygui、Dabo、pyui4win、pyGtk、Pyforms、PySimpleGUI、Flexx、DearPyGui技术介绍
时间: 2023-07-03 11:20:41 浏览: 292
1. "Designing User Interfaces with PyQt: A Comprehensive Guide"
2. "Creating GUI Applications with Tkinter in Python"
3. "wxPython: Cross-platform GUI Development with Python"
4. "Kivy: Building Multi-touch Applications in Python"
5. "PyGUI: A Python Library for Creating Graphical User Interfaces"
6. "Dabo: An Object-Oriented Framework for Developing Desktop Applications"
7. "pyui4win: A Lightweight Python Library for Building Windows GUI Applications"
8. "Building GUI Applications with PyGTK"
9. "Pyforms: A Python Framework for Rapid GUI Development"
10. "PySimpleGUI: Building Customized GUIs with Python"
11. "Flexx: Python-Powered Reactive Web Applications"
12. "DearPyGui: A Fast and Powerful Python GUI Framework".