docker -compose down
时间: 2023-11-17 11:03:29 浏览: 249
`docker-compose down`命令用于停止并删除由`docker-compose up`命令启动的容器、网络和卷。该命令应该在包含`docker-compose.yml`文件的目录中运行。以下是一个使用`docker-compose down`命令的例子:
cd /path/to/docker-compose/directory
docker-compose down
该命令将停止并删除所有相关容器、网络和卷。如果您只想停止容器而不删除它们,可以使用`docker-compose stop`命令。如果您只想删除容器而不停止它们,可以使用`docker-compose rm`命令。
docker-compose down
The `docker-compose down` command is used to stop and remove containers, networks, and volumes that were created by `docker-compose up`. This command will remove all the resources that were created by `docker-compose up` command in the reverse order in which they were created.
Note that this command does not remove images or other resources that were not created by `docker-compose up` command. To remove those resources, you can use the appropriate `docker` commands.
docker-compose down [options]
- `-v, --volumes`: Remove named volumes declared in the `volumes` section of the `docker-compose.yml` file.
- `--rmi <all|local>`: Remove images. `all` removes all images used by any service. `local` removes only images that don't have a custom tag set by the `image` field in the `docker-compose.yml` file.
- `--remove-orphans`: Remove containers for services not defined in the `docker-compose.yml` file.
- `-t, --timeout <seconds>`: Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds (default: 10).
$ docker-compose down --volumes --remove-orphans
docker-compose down和docker-compose stop使用区别
`docker-compose down` 和 `docker-compose stop` 都是 Docker Compose 工具中的命令,用于管理和控制容器服务,但它们的作用略有不同。
`docker-compose down` 这个命令会一次性停止并删除所有由 `docker-compose.yml` 文件所定义的服务及其相关的网络、卷等资源。它是一个彻底的关闭操作,当再次运行 `docker-compose up` 时,之前的配置将被清空,需要重新启动服务从头开始。
相比之下,`docker-compose stop` 只是简单地停止所有的容器,并不会影响到容器对应的镜像、网络或数据卷。如果你想要重新启动这些服务,只需再次运行 `docker-compose start` 或者 `docker-compose up`。
- `docker-compose down`:完全停止并移除所有服务及依赖资源,适合于不再需要当前服务环境的时候。
- `docker-compose stop`:只停止容器,保留配置和数据,方便后续恢复或重启。