翻译 This function is used to rebuild the ObjectARX runtime class tree when new classes need to be added. It can be safely called at any time, but is necessary only after the rxInit() functions have been called for any classes to be added to the runtime tree. This is usually done inside the AcRx::kInitAppMsg case of the acrxEntryPoint() switch statement (or a function called from there). This function needs to be called only once after all the rxInit() calls have been made.
时间: 2024-03-31 13:37:27 浏览: 151
这个函数用于在需要添加新类时重新构建ObjectARX运行时类树。它可以在任何时候安全地调用,但仅在rxInit()函数已经被调用以添加到运行时树中的任何类之后才是必需的。通常在acrxEntryPoint() switch语句的AcRx :: kInitAppMsg case内(或从那里调用的函数)中完成这个操作。在所有rxInit()调用完成后,只需要调用此函数一次。
Lighting data asset ‘LightingData’ is incompatible with the current Unity version. Please use Generate Lighting to rebuild the lighting data. Realtime Global Illumination cannot be used until the lighting data is rebuilt.
1. 在Unity编辑器中,转到"Window"(窗口)菜单,然后选择"Rendering"(渲染)> "Lighting Settings"(光照设置)。
2. 在Lighting Settings(光照设置)面板中,选择"Generate Lighting"(生成光照)选项。
3. Unity将重新计算并生成新的光照数据。这可能需要一些时间,具体取决于您的场景复杂度和计算机性能。
4. 完成后,您可以尝试重新运行项目,看看是否解决了该问题。
- 确保您使用的Unity版本与项目中使用的光照数据匹配。如果您升级了Unity版本,请确保重新生成光照数据以适应新版本。
- 检查项目中的其他设置和资源是否正确配置,并且没有其他与光照相关的错误或警告。
The type org.apache.commons.logging.Log cannot be resolved. It is indirectly ref
This error message usually occurs when there is a problem with the classpath or dependencies.
First, make sure that you have added the required dependencies to your project's classpath. In this case, it seems that you are missing the Apache Commons Logging library.
You can download the latest version of the commons-logging library from the Apache Commons website and add it to your project's classpath.
If you are using a build tool like Maven or Gradle, you can add the dependency to your project's pom.xml or build.gradle file respectively.
For example, to add the commons-logging dependency in a Maven project, you can add the following code to your pom.xml file:
Once you have added the dependency, rebuild your project and try running it again. The error message should disappear.