cx_Oracle.InterfaceError: not a query
时间: 2024-05-30 17:09:36 浏览: 148
这个错误通常是因为你尝试执行一个不是查询语句的SQL语句,例如 CREATE TABLE 或者 INSERT INTO。在使用 cx_Oracle 进行操作时,只有 SELECT 语句才会返回结果集,其他语句都不会返回结果集。
如果你确定你的 SQL 语句是一个查询语句,那么可能是因为你没有正确地设置 `cursor` 的属性。在执行查询语句之前,你需要将 `cursor` 的 `arraysize` 属性设置为你想要从数据库中获取的行数。例如,如果你想从结果集中获取 100 行数据,你可以这样设置 `cursor.arraysize = 100`。
另外,如果你使用的是 `execute()` 方法来执行 SQL 语句,它会返回一个 cursor 对象,你需要对这个对象调用 `fetchone()` 或者 `fetchall()` 方法来获取查询结果。如果你使用了 `executemany()` 方法,它不会返回结果集,你需要使用 `fetchone()` 或者 `fetchall()` 方法来获取查询结果。
cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: DPI-1047: Cannot locate a 64-bit Oracle Client library:
This error message indicates that cx_Oracle is unable to find a 64-bit Oracle Client library on the system. This could be due to a number of reasons, such as:
1. The Oracle client is not installed on the system.
2. The Oracle client is installed, but the 64-bit version is not available.
3. The Oracle client is installed, but its path is not included in the system's PATH environment variable.
To resolve this issue, you can try the following:
1. Install the 64-bit Oracle client on the system.
2. Ensure that the Oracle client path is added to the PATH environment variable.
3. If the Oracle client is already installed, try reinstalling it to ensure that the 64-bit version is available.
Once the Oracle client is installed and configured correctly, cx_Oracle should be able to locate the required libraries and the error should be resolved.