VMware Tools
时间: 2023-07-30 19:11:09 浏览: 94
VMware Tools 是 VMware Workstation、Player 和 vSphere 的必需组件,它提供了在虚拟机和宿主操作系统之间进行文件共享、剪贴板共享和视频驱动程序等功能。
要在虚拟机中安装 VMware Tools,请按以下步骤操作:
1. 在虚拟机中打开 VMware Tools 安装文件。
2. 按照向导提示操作。
3. 重新启动虚拟机以使更改生效。
注意:在 Windows 和 Linux 系统中,必须在虚拟机中提前安装对应的驱动程序。
VMware tools
VMware Tools is a suite of utilities that enhances the performance and functionality of virtual machines running on VMware platforms. These tools include drivers and utilities that improve video, mouse, keyboard, and network performance, and also enable features such as shared folders, time synchronization, and drag-and-drop file transfer between the host and guest operating systems. VMware Tools is installed on the guest operating system and is available for various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. The tools are provided as a package that can be downloaded from the VMware website or installed from the VMware Tools ISO image that is included with the VMware platform.
VMware Tools 是一套用于虚拟机的软件套件,它提供了一些功能和工具,以增强虚拟化环境中的性能和功能。这些工具包括设备驱动程序、文件共享、剪贴板共享、时间同步和屏幕分辨率调整等功能。通过安装 VMware Tools,您可以更好地集成虚拟机和宿主机系统,并提高虚拟机的性能和易用性。您可以从 VMware 官方网站上获取适用于不同操作系统的 VMware Tools。