2.编写一个名为 check_season 的函数,它接受一个月份参数并返回其对应的季节:秋季、冬季、春季或夏季
时间: 2024-10-16 14:14:27 浏览: 54
你可以创建一个名为 `check_season` 的函数,根据给定的月份来确定季节。这里是一个基于常见的季节划分规则(北半球)的简单实现:
def check_season(month):
seasons = {
9: '秋季',
10: '秋季',
11: '冬季',
12: '冬季',
1: '冬季', # January in the Northern Hemisphere
2: '冬季',
3: '春季', # March is the start of spring in both hemispheres
4: '春季',
5: '春季',
6: '夏季',
7: '夏季',
8: '夏季'
return seasons.get(month, "未知") # If month is not in the dictionary, return "未知"
# 测试函数
print(check_season(9)) # 输出:秋季
print(check_season(12)) # 输出:冬季
print(check_season(3)) # 输出:春季
linux ubuntu22.04编写一个脚本以英文月份名为参数,显示当年该月的日历:
To create a bash script in Ubuntu 22.04 that displays the calendar for a given English month as an argument, you can use the `cal` command from the `coreutils` package. Here's a simple example of how to structure your script:
# Function to print the calendar for a specific month
print_calendar() {
# Check if the provided argument is a valid month (1-12)
if [[ $1 =~ ^[1-9]|1[012]$ ]]; then
cal "$1"
echo "Invalid month! Please enter a number between 1 and 12."
# Check if an argument was passed
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
# If no argument, display help or default to current month
echo "Usage: $0 <month>"
print_calendar "$(date +%m)"
# If an argument is provided, call the function with the input
print_calendar "$1"
Save this script to a file, for example, `calendar.sh`. Make it executable using `chmod +x calendar.sh`. Then run the script like this:
./calendar.sh <month_name>
Replace `<month_name>` with the name of the month you want to see the calendar for, such as `February`.
(2). 为函数 func 编写一个认证装饰器,认证成功后才能执行函数
def authentication_decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# 在这里实现你的认证逻辑
# 例如,检查用户是否已登录
user_is_authenticated = check_authentication()
if user_is_authenticated:
# 认证成功,执行函数
return func(*args, **kwargs)
# 认证失败,返回错误信息
return "Authentication failed"
return wrapper
def check_authentication():
# 这里实现你的认证检查逻辑
# 例如,检查用户会话或令牌
# 这里只是一个示例,返回True表示认证成功
return True
def func():
return "Function executed successfully"
# 调用函数
1. 调用`check_authentication`函数来检查用户是否已认证。
2. 如果认证成功,返回执行`func`的结果。
3. 如果认证失败,返回认证失败的消息。