Create a class Airplane, which implements a Flyable interface that has two methods takeOff() and land().
时间: 2024-02-07 13:03:11 浏览: 63
Here's an example implementation of the Airplane class that implements the Flyable interface:
public class Airplane implements Flyable {
public void takeOff() {
// implementation for take off
System.out.println("Airplane is taking off.");
public void land() {
// implementation for landing
System.out.println("Airplane is landing.");
In this implementation, the Airplane class provides its own implementation of the takeOff() and land() methods that were defined in the Flyable interface. These methods can be customized to suit the specific needs of the Airplane class.
Add a Test class with a method makeItTakeOff(Flyable f) that makes the flyable object f take off.
Here's an example implementation of the Test class with the makeItTakeOff() method that takes a Flyable object and makes it take off:
public class Test {
public static void makeItTakeOff(Flyable f) {
In this implementation, the makeItTakeOff() method takes a Flyable object as a parameter and calls its takeOff() method to make it take off. This method can be used to test and demonstrate the functionality of any Flyable object, including the Airplane and Bat objects we defined earlier. For example, we could call the method as follows:
Airplane airplane = new Airplane();
Bat bat = new Bat();
Test.makeItTakeOff(airplane); // prints "Airplane is taking off."
Test.makeItTakeOff(bat); // prints "Bat is taking off by flying."
In this example, we create an Airplane object and a Bat object, and call the makeItTakeOff() method with each of them. The method correctly calls the takeOff() method for each object, and prints the appropriate message indicating that the object is taking off.
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