make verdi_rtl_sv
时间: 2023-09-17 20:05:28 浏览: 166
make verdi_rtl_sv 是指使用verdi工具编译RTL(Register Transfer Level)设计语言的代码生成模拟器。verdi工具可以用于验证设计的正确性和功能。下面是一些步骤来进行编译:
1. 首先,确保已经正确安装了verdi工具,具体安装步骤可以参考verdi的文档或者用户手册。
2. 打开终端或命令提示符窗口,进入RTL代码的主目录。
3. 输入命令“make verdi_rtl_sv”来执行编译操作。这个命令会调用verdi工具对RTL代码进行编译和生成模拟器。编译过程可能需要一些时间,具体时间取决于代码的复杂性和计算机性能。
4. 等待编译过程完成。过程中可能会输出一些提示信息,如编译进度和错误消息。如果编译成功,提示消息会显示“编译成功”或类似的信息。
5. 编译完成后,会生成一个可执行的模拟器文件。这个模拟器文件可以用来运行和验证RTL代码的功能和正确性。
通过执行以上步骤,您可以使用"make verdi_rtl_sv"命令来编译RTL代码并生成模拟器。请注意,这个过程需要具备一定的计算机技术知识,适用于熟悉编译流程和verdi工具的工程师或开发者。
I usually use my vcs by source /nfs/tools/sourceme/vcs2020_verdi.bashrc, and I can also set environment variable by: export VCS_HOME=/nfs/tools/softwares/synopsys/installed_new/vcs=mx/R-2020.12-sp1 export VERDI_HOME=/nfs/tools/softwares/synopsys/installed_new/verdi/R-2020.12-SP1 export PATH=$VERDI_HOME/bin:$VCS_HOME/bin:$PATH If I want to view the waveform generated by c++ code by verdi, what commands should I use? is it possible to view c++ generated waveform by verdi?
Verdi is primarily used for debugging and viewing waveforms in hardware description languages (such as SystemVerilog and VHDL) rather than for C++ code. It is not designed to directly view waveforms generated by C++ code.
However, you can use other tools specifically designed for visualizing waveforms generated by C++ code. One popular tool for this purpose is GTKWave, which is commonly used for viewing waveforms in various languages, including C++.
To view the waveform generated by your C++ code using GTKWave, you need to generate a waveform file in a format that GTKWave can read, such as VCD (Value Change Dump) or FST (Fast Signal Trace). There are libraries available for C++ that can generate these waveform files.
Once you have the waveform file in the appropriate format, you can open it using GTKWave:
gtkwave waveform.vcd
This will open the waveform viewer, and you can analyze and view the waveforms.
Please note that generating the waveform file from your C++ code may require additional steps or libraries, depending on the specific tools and libraries you are using for waveform generation in C++.
/home/chehce/Desktop/sys/verdi/Verdi_O-2018.09-SP2/bin/verdi: 56: Syntax error: "(" unexpected怎么修改
1. 是否有括号未正确匹配
2. 是否有未正确使用反斜杠转义特殊字符
3. 是否有语法错误,如if语句,for循环等