Validation Failed: 1: mapping type is missing
时间: 2023-08-26 08:06:05 浏览: 301
这个错误提示 "Validation Failed: 1: mapping type is missing" 意味着在执行操作时缺少了映射类型。映射类型是 Elasticsearch 中的一个重要概念,它定义了索引中每个字段的数据类型和属性。通常,在创建索引时需要指定映射类型,如果没有正确指定,就会出现这个错误。根据引用、引用和引用提供的信息,这个错误可能是由于在执行 PUT 操作时,没有正确指定索引的映射类型导致的。
要解决这个问题,你需要确保在执行 PUT 操作时正确指定了索引的映射类型。例如,正确的语法应该是 "PUT index_name/_mapping",其中 index_name 是你要操作的索引的名称。确保索引地址没有拼写错误,并正确指定映射类型,这样就可以避免这个错误的出现。
validation failed: 1: mapping type is missing
在Elasticsearch 6.x版本之前,为每个索引指定一个默认的映射类型是必需的。然而,从Elasticsearch 7.x版本开始,映射类型被废弃了,Elasticsearch只能使用单个固定的映射类型"_doc"。
因此,当你在Elasticsearch 7.x版本或更高版本中创建索引时,如果你没有明确指定映射类型或者指定了旧的映射类型名称,将会出现"validation failed: 1: mapping type is missing"错误。
例如,下面是一个在Elasticsearch 7.x版本中创建索引的示例请求:
PUT /my-index
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "text"
"age": {
"type": "integer"
注意,上面的请求中没有映射类型的定义,因为我在Elasticsearch 7.x版本中创建索引时不再需要指定映射类型。
总之,"validation failed: 1: mapping type is missing"错误是由于在新版本的Elasticsearch中使用了旧的映射类型引起的。你可以通过将旧的类型改为"_doc"或完全省略类型来解决这个问题。
Validation Failed: 1: index is missing
As an AI language model, I would need more context to understand the specific situation where you encountered the error message "Validation Failed: 1: index is missing". However, generally speaking, this error message could mean that there is an issue with the data being validated. It could indicate that the data is missing a required index or identifier. This could be a problem in a database where an index is required to uniquely identify each record. It could also occur in code where an index is required to iterate over a collection of items. To resolve this error, you would need to identify where the missing index is required and ensure that the data or code is updated to include it.