时间: 2024-06-18 13:01:39 浏览: 369
1. **教科书与经典教材**:
- Codd, E. F. (1970). "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks." Communications of the ACM.
- Date, C. J., & Darwen, P. (2005). "The Third Manifesto: Distilled from the Writings of Eric Evans." No Starch Press.
- Silberschatz, A., Korth, U., & Sudarshan, S. (2013). "Database System Concepts" (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
2. **技术手册与规范文档**:
- Oracle Database Concepts (Oracle官方文档)
- MySQL Documentation (MySQL官方文档)
- PostgreSQL Documentation (PostgreSQL官方文档)
- SQL:2011 International Standard (ISO/IEC 9075-1)
3. **学术论文与研究论文**:
- VLDB (Very Large Data Bases) 和 SIGMOD (Special Interest Group on Management of Data) 会议论文集
- Transactional Databases and Concurrency Control papers
- ACID Properties and Isolation Levels studies
4. **开源数据库教程与指南**:
- PostgreSQL Planner Guide (PostgreSQL官方文档中的规划器部分)
- MongoDB Documentation (MongoDB官方文档)
- NoSQL vs. SQL comparison articles
5. **设计和架构书籍**:
- Kimball, R. (2006). "The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling." Wiley.
- Inmon, H. (2005). "The Data Warehouse Revolution: The New Science of Managing and Mining Business Information." John Wiley & Sons.