时间: 2023-06-26 18:05:40 浏览: 196
5星 · 资源好评率100%
Sub AverageDailyData()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim dailyRange As Range
Dim cell As Range
Dim sumA1 As Double
Dim countA1 As Integer
Dim sumA2 As Double
Dim countA2 As Integer
Dim avgA1 As Double
Dim avgA2 As Double
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If Left(ws.Name, 6) = "Daily&" Then
Set dailyRange = ws.Range("A1:A" & ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
For Each cell In dailyRange
If IsNumeric(cell.Value) And cell.Value <> "" And cell.Value <> 0 Then
sumA1 = sumA1 + cell.Value
countA1 = countA1 + 1
End If
Next cell
Set dailyRange = ws.Range("A2:A" & ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
For Each cell In dailyRange
If IsNumeric(cell.Value) And cell.Value <> "" And cell.Value <> 0 Then
sumA2 = sumA2 + cell.Value
countA2 = countA2 + 1
End If
Next cell
End If
Next ws
If countA1 > 0 Then
avgA1 = sumA1 / countA1
End If
If countA2 > 0 Then
avgA2 = sumA2 / countA2
End If
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("5月").Range("A1").Value = avgA1
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("5月").Range("A2").Value = avgA2
End Sub