
时间: 2023-08-10 14:08:17 浏览: 47
下面是一个简单的机票预订系统的C++代码示例,仅供参考: ```cpp #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> using namespace std; // 航班类 class Flight { public: string flightNo; // 航班号 string departureTime; // 起飞时间 string arrivalTime; // 到达时间 string departureLocation; // 起飞地点 string arrivalLocation; // 到达地点 string airline; // 航空公司 vector<string> economySeats; // 经济舱座位列表 vector<string> businessSeats; // 商务舱座位列表 vector<string> firstClassSeats; // 头等舱座位列表 // 构造函数 Flight(string flightNo, string departureTime, string arrivalTime, string departureLocation, string arrivalLocation, string airline) { this->flightNo = flightNo; this->departureTime = departureTime; this->arrivalTime = arrivalTime; this->departureLocation = departureLocation; this->arrivalLocation = arrivalLocation; this->airline = airline; } // 添加座位 void addSeat(string seatNo, string seatType) { if (seatType == "economy") { economySeats.push_back(seatNo); } else if (seatType == "business") { businessSeats.push_back(seatNo); } else if (seatType == "firstClass") { firstClassSeats.push_back(seatNo); } } // 获取可用座位 vector<string> getAvailableSeats(string seatType) { if (seatType == "economy") { return economySeats; } else if (seatType == "business") { return businessSeats; } else if (seatType == "firstClass") { return firstClassSeats; } return vector<string>(); } }; // 座位类 class Seat { public: string seatNo; // 座位编号 string seatType; // 座位类型 bool isSold; // 是否已售出 // 构造函数 Seat(string seatNo, string seatType) { this->seatNo = seatNo; this->seatType = seatType; this->isSold = false; } }; // 机票类 class Ticket { public: Flight flight; // 航班信息 Seat seat; // 座位信息 // 构造函数 Ticket(Flight flight, Seat seat) { this->flight = flight; this->seat = seat; } }; // 订单类 class Order { public: string passengerName; // 乘客姓名 Ticket ticket; // 机票信息 bool isPaid; // 是否已支付 // 构造函数 Order(string passengerName, Ticket ticket) { this->passengerName = passengerName; this->ticket = ticket; this->isPaid = false; } // 支付订单 void pay() { this->isPaid = true; } }; // 支付类 class Payment { public: double amount; // 支付金额 bool isPaid; // 是否已支付 string paymentMethod; // 支付方式 // 构造函数 Payment(double amount, string paymentMethod) { this->amount = amount; this->paymentMethod = paymentMethod; this->isPaid = false; } // 支付 void pay() { this->isPaid = true; } }; // 机票预订系统类 class FlightBookingSystem { private: vector<Flight> flights; // 航班列表 vector<Order> orders; // 订单列表 vector<Payment> payments; // 支付列表 public: // 添加航班 void addFlight(Flight flight) { flights.push_back(flight); } // 查询航班 vector<Flight> searchFlights(string departure, string arrival) { vector<Flight> result; for (Flight flight : flights) { if (flight.departureLocation == departure && flight.arrivalLocation == arrival) { result.push_back(flight); } } return result; } // 预订机票 bool bookTicket(string passengerName, Flight flight, string seatNo) { vector<string> seats = flight.getAvailableSeats(seatNo.substr(0, 1)); for (int i = 0; i < seats.size(); i++) { if (seats[i] == seatNo) { Seat seat(seatNo, seatNo.substr(0, 1)); seat.isSold = true; Ticket ticket(flight, seat); Order order(passengerName, ticket); orders.push_back(order); return true; } } return false; } // 支付订单 bool payOrder(int orderId, double amount, string paymentMethod) { for (Order& order : orders) { if (orderId == order.passengerName && !order.isPaid) { Payment payment(amount, paymentMethod); payments.push_back(payment); payment.pay(); order.pay(); return true; } } return false; } }; int main() { // 创建航班 Flight flight1("CA123", "2022-01-01 08:00:00", "2022-01-01 10:00:00", "Beijing", "Shanghai", "Air China"); flight1.addSeat("E01", "economy"); flight1.addSeat("E02", "economy"); flight1.addSeat("B01", "business"); flight1.addSeat("B02", "business"); flight1.addSeat("F01", "firstClass"); flight1.addSeat("F02", "firstClass"); // 创建机票预订系统 FlightBookingSystem system; system.addFlight(flight1); // 查询航班 vector<Flight> flights = system.searchFlights("Beijing", "Shanghai"); for (Flight flight : flights) { cout << "Flight No: " << flight.flightNo << endl; cout << "Departure Time: " << flight.departureTime << endl; cout << "Arrival Time: " << flight.arrivalTime << endl; cout << "Departure Location: " << flight.departureLocation << endl; cout << "Arrival Location: " << flight.arrivalLocation << endl; cout << "Airline: " << flight.airline << endl; cout << "Available Seats: " << endl; vector<string> seats = flight.getAvailableSeats("economy"); for (string seat : seats) { cout << seat << " "; } cout << endl; } // 预订机票 bool success = system.bookTicket("张三", flight1, "E01"); if (success) { cout << "Booking Success!" << endl; } else { cout << "Booking Failed!" << endl; } // 支付订单 success = system.payOrder(0, 1000, "Alipay"); if (success) { cout << "Payment Success!" << endl; } else { cout << "Payment Failed!" << endl; } return 0; } ``` 需要注意的是,以上代码仅为示例代码,实现方式和具体功能可能与真实的机票预订系统有所不同,具体需求还需要根据实际情况进行调整和完善。









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![matlab求解微分方程](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/2021062810300367.png?x-oss-process=image/watermark,type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk,shadow_10,text_aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLmNzZG4ubmV0L3dlaXhpbl80MTQ3OTY3OA==,size_16,color_FFFFFF,t_70) # 1. MATLAB微分方程求解概述 微分方程是描述物理、工程和金融等领域中动态系统的数学模型。MATLAB提供了强大的工具来求解微分方程,包括内置求解器和自定义函数


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