Insert into student values (901,'张军','男',1985,'计算机系','北京市海淀区'); 有错吗

时间: 2024-01-27 13:05:31 浏览: 23
这是一条 SQL 语句,用于向名为 student 的表中插入一条记录。语句的格式看起来没有问题,但是具体是否有错需要根据该表的结构和数据类型来判断。如果该表中不存在一个叫做 student 的表,或者该表的字段与数据类型与 SQL 语句中的不一致,那么就会出现错误。另外,如果该表中已经存在一个主键为 901 的记录,这条 SQL 语句也会因为主键冲突而失败。

INSERT INTO student VALUES( 901,'张老大', '男',1985,'计算机系', '北京市海淀区');

This SQL statement would insert a new row into the "student" table with the following values: - Student ID: 901 - Name: 张老大 - Gender: 男 - Birth year: 1985 - Department: 计算机系 - Address: 北京市海淀区

请帮我生成 类似于insert into student values(2,22)形式的数据100条

好的,以下是生成的100条SQL语句: ``` insert into student values(1,95) insert into student values(2,82) insert into student values(3,43) insert into student values(4,59) insert into student values(5,76) insert into student values(6,22) insert into student values(7,97) insert into student values(8,68) insert into student values(9,54) insert into student values(10,89) insert into student values(11,32) insert into student values(12,67) insert into student values(13,53) insert into student values(14,85) insert into student values(15,42) insert into student values(16,71) insert into student values(17,36) insert into student values(18,90) insert into student values(19,59) insert into student values(20,66) insert into student values(21,78) insert into student values(22,24) insert into student values(23,40) insert into student values(24,76) insert into student values(25,87) insert into student values(26,62) insert into student values(27,49) insert into student values(28,93) insert into student values(29,35) insert into student values(30,71) insert into student values(31,52) insert into student values(32,88) insert into student values(33,70) insert into student values(34,39) insert into student values(35,84) insert into student values(36,56) insert into student values(37,99) insert into student values(38,21) insert into student values(39,78) insert into student values(40,30) insert into student values(41,92) insert into student values(42,46) insert into student values(43,62) insert into student values(44,73) insert into student values(45,57) insert into student values(46,47) insert into student values(47,76) insert into student values(48,25) insert into student values(49,68) insert into student values(50,81) insert into student values(51,31) insert into student values(52,89) insert into student values(53,54) insert into student values(54,60) insert into student values(55,90) insert into student values(56,48) insert into student values(57,86) insert into student values(58,74) insert into student values(59,37) insert into student values(60,65) insert into student values(61,82) insert into student values(62,44) insert into student values(63,72) insert into student values(64,58) insert into student values(65,95) insert into student values(66,43) insert into student values(67,79) insert into student values(68,23) insert into student values(69,91) insert into student values(70,67) insert into student values(71,29) insert into student values(72,76) insert into student values(73,55) insert into student values(74,84) insert into student values(75,41) insert into student values(76,70) insert into student values(77,51) insert into student values(78,87) insert into student values(79,63) insert into student values(80,38) insert into student values(81,96) insert into student values(82,26) insert into student values(83,55) insert into student values(84,83) insert into student values(85,49) insert into student values(86,85) insert into student values(87,77) insert into student values(88,61) insert into student values(89,93) insert into student values(90,33) insert into student values(91,75) insert into student values(92,45) insert into student values(93,80) insert into student values(94,50) insert into student values(95,98) insert into student values(96,28) insert into student values(97,64) insert into student values(98,72) insert into student values(99,53) insert into student values(100,89) ```




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