vue-area-linkage area-select选择之后选择框内容无法清空
时间: 2023-08-04 11:09:24 浏览: 221
在 vue-area-linkage 组件中,如果选择框内容无法清空,可能是因为没有正确地清空数据。你可以在选择框的清空按钮的点击事件中,清空对应的数据。具体操作方法如下:
1. 在 data 中添加一个数组用来存储选择框的数据。
data() {
return {
selectedData: [], // 用来存储选择框的数据
2. 在选择框的 change 事件中,将选择的数据存储到 selectedData 中。
handleChange(value) {
this.selectedData = value;
3. 在清空按钮的点击事件中,清空 selectedData 数组。
handleClear() {
this.selectedData = [];
4. 在选择框的 value 属性中,绑定 selectedData 数组。
vue-area-linkage vue3中如何使用
`vue-area-linkage`是一个Vue.js插件,用于创建复杂的区域链接功能,通常用于地图应用或者需要根据数据动态划分区域并关联数据的情况。在Vue 3中使用它,首先你需要安装这个插件:
npm install vue-area-linkage --save
import VueAreaLinkage from 'vue-area-linkage';
// 如果你是在setup()函数中,可以这样导入并使用
import { useAreaLinkage } from 'vue-area-linkage';
import { createMapOptions } from './mapOptions'; // 示例:假设你有一个地图配置文件
export default {
setup() {
const areaData = ...; // 你的区域数据
const areaLinkage = useAreaLinkage(areaData, createMapOptions()); // 使用插件并传入数据和地图选项
// 现在你可以通过areaLinkage对象访问和操作链接化的区域数据
// areaLinkage.addLink(), areaLinkage.removeLink(), etc.
return { areaLinkage };
Vue-image-area-select is a Vue.js component that allows users to select an area of an image using the mouse or touch devices. It's a useful tool for cropping images or highlighting a specific section. This component is fully customizable and can be easily integrated into any Vue.js project.
Some of the features of Vue-image-area-select include:
1. Easy to use: The component is easy to use and requires minimal setup.
2. Customizable: The component is highly customizable, allowing users to customize the appearance and behavior of the select area.
3. Responsive: The component is responsive and works on both desktop and mobile devices.
4. Multiple instances: The component allows users to have multiple instances of the select area on a single page.
5. Events: The component emits events that allow users to interact with the selection and perform actions such as cropping, saving, or deleting.
Overall, Vue-image-area-select is a useful tool for anyone working with images and requires a simple and easy-to-use cropping tool.