时间: 2024-04-25 08:25:40 浏览: 54
在Vue Router中,transitionTo方法是用来进行路由切换的。它接收一个location参数,表示要切换到的目标路由。首先,通过调用this.router.match方法,进行路由匹配,找到目标路由。然后,将匹配到的目标路由传入confirmTransition方法进行确认。在confirmTransition方法中,会执行一系列的操作,包括成功切换路由后的操作和失败切换路由后的操作。
unity animator can transition to self
Yes, Unity Animator can transition to self. This means that you can create a transition from one state to the same state. This is useful when you want to trigger an action or effect within the same animation state.
To create a transition to self, you need to follow these steps:
1. Select the state in the Animator window that you want to transition from.
2. Right-click on the state and select "Make Transition" from the context menu.
3. Click on the state again to create a transition to that same state.
4. Set the conditions for the transition, such as a parameter or a trigger.
Once you have created the transition to self, you can add any necessary animation events or actions to the state. When the conditions for the transition are met, the animation will transition to itself and trigger the desired action or effect.
unity animator can transition to self是什么
"Animator can transition to self" 是 Unity 中 Animator 组件中的一个选项。当这个选项被勾选时,Animator 可以从当前状态自动过渡到当前状态,也就是说它可以自己触发自己的状态转换。这个选项通常用于创建循环动画,例如角色的行走、奔跑等动作,让它们在一直循环播放而不需要手动触发状态转换。