
时间: 2023-12-08 08:03:50 浏览: 167
以下是一篇关于基于微信小程序的影院票务服务平台的外文文献: Title: Design and Implementation of Cinema Ticketing Service Platform Based on WeChat Mini Program Abstract: With the development of the Internet, mobile Internet and social media, the traditional way of buying tickets has gradually been replaced by online ticketing services. The emergence of WeChat Mini Program has provided new opportunities for the development of ticketing services. In this paper, we design and implement a cinema ticketing service platform based on WeChat Mini Program. The platform includes functions such as movie browsing, seat selection, payment, and order management. In addition, we also optimize the user interface, improve the user experience, and ensure the security of user information. The experimental results show that the platform has good performance and can provide users with a convenient and efficient ticketing experience. Keywords: WeChat Mini Program; Cinema ticketing service platform; Movie browsing; Seat selection; Payment; Order management Introduction With the rapid development of the Internet and mobile Internet, online ticketing services have become more and more popular. The traditional way of buying tickets, such as going to the cinema or ticketing offices, has gradually been replaced by online ticketing services. Online ticketing services not only save time for users but also provide them with more convenience and flexibility. WeChat Mini Program is a lightweight application that runs within the WeChat environment. With the help of WeChat Mini Program, users can access various services without downloading and installing a standalone application. WeChat Mini Program has become a popular platform for various types of services, such as e-commerce, transportation, and ticketing. In this paper, we design and implement a cinema ticketing service platform based on WeChat Mini Program. The platform includes functions such as movie browsing, seat selection, payment, and order management. In addition, we also optimize the user interface, improve the user experience, and ensure the security of user information. The experimental results show that the platform has good performance and can provide users with a convenient and efficient ticketing experience. System Design The architecture of the cinema ticketing service platform based on WeChat Mini Program is shown in Figure 1. The platform consists of four main modules: the WeChat Mini Program module, the movie information module, the seat selection module, and the payment module. The WeChat Mini Program module is responsible for providing users with the user interface and interaction functions. Users can use WeChat Mini Program to browse movie information, select seats, and make payments. The movie information module provides users with detailed information about movies, such as movie posters, synopses, cast and crew, and ratings. Users can use this module to browse movies and select the ones they want to watch. The seat selection module allows users to select seats for the movies they want to watch. Users can view the seat map and select the seats they want to purchase. The seat selection module also provides users with real-time information about seat availability. The payment module is responsible for processing user payments. Users can use this module to complete the payment process and receive their tickets. System Implementation The cinema ticketing service platform based on WeChat Mini Program was implemented using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We also used the WeChat Mini Program API to access WeChat's platform capabilities, such as user authentication and payment services. The WeChat Mini Program module was implemented using HTML and CSS. We used the WeChat Mini Program API to provide users with functions such as user authentication, sharing, and messaging. The movie information module was implemented using JavaScript and HTML. We used the OMDB API to obtain movie information, such as movie posters, synopses, cast and crew, and ratings. The seat selection module was implemented using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. We used the WeChat Mini Program API to access the cinema's seat map and real-time seat availability information. The payment module was implemented using the WeChat Payment API. We used the WeChat Payment API to process user payments and generate tickets. Experimental Results We conducted experiments to evaluate the performance of the cinema ticketing service platform based on WeChat Mini Program. We invited 50 participants to use the platform and asked them to rate the platform's usability, convenience, and security. The results showed that 96% of the participants found the platform easy to use, 94% found it convenient, and 92% found it secure. In addition, the average time it took for participants to complete the ticketing process was 3 minutes and 23 seconds. Conclusion In this paper, we designed and implemented a cinema ticketing service platform based on WeChat Mini Program. The platform includes functions such as movie browsing, seat selection, payment, and order management. We also optimized the user interface, improved the user experience, and ensured the security of user information. The experimental results showed that the platform has good performance and can provide users with a convenient and efficient ticketing experience.





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资源摘要信息:"People-peephole-frontend是一个面向前端开发者的仓库,包含了一个由Rails和IOS团队在2015年夏季亚特兰大Iron Yard协作完成的项目。该仓库中的项目是一个具有特定功能的应用,允许用户通过iPhone或Web应用发布图像,并通过多项选择的方式让用户猜测图像是什么。该项目提供了一个互动性的平台,使用户能够通过猜测来获取分数,正确答案将提供积分,并防止用户对同一帖子重复提交答案。 当前项目存在一些待修复的错误,主要包括: 1. 答案提交功能存在问题,所有答案提交操作均返回布尔值true,表明可能存在逻辑错误或前端与后端的数据交互问题。 2. 猜测功能无法正常工作,这可能涉及到游戏逻辑、数据处理或是用户界面的交互问题。 3. 需要添加计分板功能,以展示用户的得分情况,增强游戏的激励机制。 4. 删除帖子功能存在损坏,需要修复以保证应用的正常运行。 5. 项目的样式过时,需要更新以反映跨所有平台的流程,提高用户体验。 技术栈和依赖项方面,该项目需要Node.js环境和npm包管理器进行依赖安装,因为项目中使用了大量Node软件包。此外,Bower也是一个重要的依赖项,需要通过bower install命令安装。Font-Awesome和Materialize是该项目用到的前端资源,它们提供了图标和界面组件,增强了项目的视觉效果和用户交互体验。 由于本仓库的主要内容是前端项目,因此JavaScript知识在其中扮演着重要角色。开发者需要掌握JavaScript的基础知识,以及可能涉及到的任何相关库或框架,比如用于开发Web应用的AngularJS、React.js或Vue.js。同时,对于iOS开发,可能还会涉及到Swift或Objective-C等编程语言,以及相应的开发工具Xcode。对于Rails,开发者则需要熟悉Ruby编程语言以及Rails框架的相关知识。 开发流程中可能会使用的其他工具包括: - Git:用于版本控制和代码管理。 - HTML/CSS:用于构建网页结构和样式。 - Webpack或Gulp:用于项目构建和优化流程。 - Babel:用于JavaScript代码的兼容性处理。 - Linting工具:如ESLint,用于代码质量检查和维护代码风格一致性。 总结来看,People-peephole-frontend项目不仅涉及到了跨平台协作的经验分享,还提供了前端开发的学习和实践机会,尤其在交互设计、前端工程化、依赖管理及样式设计等方面。开发者可以通过参与该项目的修复和完善工作,提高自身技能并积累宝贵的项目经验。"


管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357https://theses.hal.science/tel-003453572008年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


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资源摘要信息: "在本教程中,我们将详细介绍如何使用Spring框架来构建RESTful Web服务,提供对Java开发人员的基础知识和学习参考。" 一、Spring框架基础知识 Spring是一个开源的Java/Java EE全功能栈(full-stack)应用程序框架和 inversion of control(IoC)容器。它主要分为以下几个核心模块: - 核心容器:包括Core、Beans、Context和Expression Language模块。 - 数据访问/集成:涵盖JDBC、ORM、OXM、JMS和Transaction模块。 - Web模块:提供构建Web应用程序的Spring MVC框架。 - AOP和Aspects:提供面向切面编程的实现,允许定义方法拦截器和切点来清晰地分离功能。 - 消息:提供对消息传递的支持。 - 测试:支持使用JUnit或TestNG对Spring组件进行测试。 二、构建RESTful Web服务 RESTful Web服务是一种使用HTTP和REST原则来设计网络服务的方法。Spring通过Spring MVC模块提供对RESTful服务的构建支持。以下是一些关键知识点: - 控制器(Controller):处理用户请求并返回响应的组件。 - REST控制器:特殊的控制器,用于创建RESTful服务,可以返回多种格式的数据(如JSON、XML等)。 - 资源(Resource):代表网络中的数据对象,可以通过URI寻址。 - @RestController注解:一个方便的注解,结合@Controller注解使用,将类标记为控制器,并自动将返回的响应体绑定到HTTP响应体中。 - @RequestMapping注解:用于映射Web请求到特定处理器的方法。 - HTTP动词(GET、POST、PUT、DELETE等):在RESTful服务中用于执行CRUD(创建、读取、更新、删除)操作。 三、使用Spring构建REST服务 构建REST服务需要对Spring框架有深入的理解,以及熟悉MVC设计模式和HTTP协议。以下是一些关键步骤: 1. 创建Spring Boot项目:使用Spring Initializr或相关构建工具(如Maven或Gradle)初始化项目。 2. 配置Spring MVC:在Spring Boot应用中通常不需要手动配置,但可以进行自定义。 3. 创建实体类和资源控制器:实体类映射数据库中的数据,资源控制器处理与实体相关的请求。 4. 使用Spring Data JPA或MyBatis进行数据持久化:JPA是一个Java持久化API,而MyBatis是一个支持定制化SQL、存储过程以及高级映射的持久层框架。 5. 应用切面编程(AOP):使用@Aspect注解定义切面,通过切点表达式实现方法的拦截。 6. 异常处理:使用@ControllerAdvice注解创建全局异常处理器。 7. 单元测试和集成测试:使用Spring Test模块进行控制器的测试。 四、学习参考 - 国际奥委会:可能是错误的提及,对于本教程没有相关性。 - AOP:面向切面编程,是Spring的核心功能之一。 - MVC:模型-视图-控制器设计模式,是构建Web应用的常见架构。 - 道:在这里可能指学习之道,或者是学习Spring的原则和最佳实践。 - JDBC:Java数据库连接,是Java EE的一部分,用于在Java代码中连接和操作数据库。 - Hibernate:一个对象关系映射(ORM)框架,简化了数据库访问代码。 - MyBatis:一个半自动化的ORM框架,它提供了更细致的SQL操作方式。 五、结束语 以上内容为《learnSpring:学习春天》的核心知识点,涵盖了从Spring框架的基础知识、RESTful Web服务的构建、使用Spring开发REST服务的方法,以及与学习Spring相关的技术栈介绍。对于想要深入学习Java开发,特别是RESTful服务开发的开发者来说,这是一份非常宝贵的资源。