咋修改for i = 1:n_gateway % 第一层网关节点状态 idx1 = (gateway1(i, 1)-1)3n1 + (gateway1(i, 2)-1)*3 + gateway1(i, 3); state1(idx1) = randi([0, 3]); % 第二层网关节点状态 idx2 = (gateway2(i, 1)-1)3n2 + (gateway2(i, 2)-1)*3 + gateway2(i, 3); state2(idx2) = randi([0, 3]); end fclose(file);数组索引必须为正整数或逻辑值。 出错 oooo (line 723) state1(idx1) = randi([0, 3]);
时间: 2023-09-06 08:13:08 浏览: 106
for i = 1:n_gateway
% 第一层网关节点状态
idx1 = (gateway1(i, 1)-1)*3*n1 + (gateway1(i, 2)-1)*3 + gateway1(i, 3);
state1(round(idx1)) = randi([0, 3]);
% 第二层网关节点状态
idx2 = (gateway2(i, 1)-1)*3*n2 + (gateway2(i, 2)-1)*3 + gateway2(i, 3);
state2(round(idx2)) = randi([0, 3]);
这里使用 round 函数将 idx1 和 idx2 四舍五入为整数,确保数组索引是正整数。同时,需要注意,MATLAB中的数组索引必须为正整数或逻辑值,不能使用其他类型的值。
% 生成随机网络结构和节点状态 n1 = 100; % 第一层网络节点数 n2 = 100; % 第二层网络节点数 a1 = rand(n1) < 0.1; % 第一层网络邻接矩阵 a2 = rand(n2) < 0.1; % 第二层网络邻接矩阵 file = fopen('liangcengjiedian.txt', 'r'); % 去掉空格 if file ~= -1 % 确认文件已经被正确打开 data = textscan(file, '(%f,%f,%f) to (%f,%f,%f)\n'); n_gateway = length(data{1}); gateway1 = []; gateway2 = []; for i = 1:size(data{1}, 1) x1 = data{1}(i); y1 = data{2}(i); z1 = data{3}(i); x2 = data{4}(i); y2 = data{5}(i); z2 = data{6}(i); gateway1 = [gateway1; x1, y1, z1]; gateway2 = [gateway2; x2, y2, z2]; end fclose(file); % 记得关闭文件 else disp('Error: file not found or could not be opened.'); end % 使用randperm函数随机选择n_gateway个网关 n_gateway = min(n_gateway, size(gateway1, 1)); idx = randperm(size(gateway1, 1), n_gateway); gateway1 = gateway1(idx, :); gateway2 = gateway2(idx, :); state1(gateway1) = randi([0, 3], n_gateway, 1); state2(gateway2) = randi([0, 3], n_gateway, 1); state1 = zeros(n1, 1); % 第一层节点状态 state2 = zeros(n2, 1); % 第二层节点状态 数组索引必须为正整数或逻辑值。 出错 oooo (line 716) state1(gateway1) = randi([0, 3], n_gateway, 1);如何修改
n_gateway = min(n_gateway, size(gateway1, 1));
idx = randperm(size(gateway1, 1), n_gateway);
gateway1 = gateway1(idx, :);
gateway2 = gateway2(idx, :);
state1 = zeros(n1, 1); % 第一层节点状态
state2 = zeros(n2, 1); % 第二层节点状态
% 将网关节点的状态随机初始化
for i = 1:n_gateway
% 第一层网关节点状态
idx1 = sub2ind([n1, 3], gateway1(i, 1), gateway1(i, 2), gateway1(i, 3));
state1(idx1) = randi([0, 3]);
% 第二层网关节点状态
idx2 = sub2ind([n2, 3], gateway2(i, 1), gateway2(i, 2), gateway2(i, 3));
state2(idx2) = randi([0, 3]);
位置 2 的索引无效。数组索引必须为正整数或逻辑值。 出错 oooo (line 751) if ismember(i, gateway1) && sum(a1(i, gateway1) == 3) > n_gateway/2+1file = fopen('liangcengjiedian.txt', 'r'); % 去掉空格 if file ~= -1 % 确认文件已经被正确打开 data = textscan(file, '(%f,%f,%f) to (%f,%f,%f)\n'); n_gateway = length(data{1}); gateway1 = []; gateway2 = []; for i = 1:size(data{1}, 1) x1 = data{1}(i); y1 = data{2}(i); z1 = data{3}(i); x2 = data{4}(i); y2 = data{5}(i); z2 = data{6}(i); gateway1 = [gateway1; x1, y1, z1]; gateway2 = [gateway2; x2, y2, z2]; end fclose(file); % 记得关闭文件 else disp('Error: file not found or could not be opened.'); end % 使用randperm函数随机选择n_gateway个网关 n_gateway = min(n_gateway, size(gateway1, 1)); idx = randperm(size(gateway1, 1), n_gateway); gateway1 = gateway1(idx, :); gateway2 = gateway2(idx, :); state1 = zeros(n1, 1); % 第一层节点状态 state2 = zeros(n2, 1); % 第二层节点状态 修改为正确代码
这个错误信息说明了在代码中使用了一个无效的索引位置2。具体来说,可能是在a1(i, gateway1)这一行代码中,i取值为2,但是gateway1数组的长度小于2,导致出现了这个错误。你需要检查一下gateway1数组的长度是否正确,或者在使用这个数组之前先进行长度判断和处理。以下是修改后的代码:
file = fopen('liangcengjiedian.txt', 'r'); % 去掉空格
if file ~= -1 % 确认文件已经被正确打开
data = textscan(file, '(%f,%f,%f) to (%f,%f,%f)\n');
n_gateway = length(data{1});
gateway1 = [];
gateway2 = [];
for i = 1:size(data{1}, 1)
x1 = data{1}(i);
y1 = data{2}(i);
z1 = data{3}(i);
x2 = data{4}(i);
y2 = data{5}(i);
z2 = data{6}(i);
gateway1 = [gateway1; x1, y1, z1];
gateway2 = [gateway2; x2, y2, z2];
fclose(file); % 记得关闭文件
disp('Error: file not found or could not be opened.');
% 使用randperm函数随机选择n_gateway个网关
n_gateway = min(n_gateway, size(gateway1, 1));
if n_gateway > 0
idx = randperm(size(gateway1, 1), n_gateway);
gateway1 = gateway1(idx, :);
gateway2 = gateway2(idx, :);
state1 = zeros(n1, 1); % 第一层节点状态
state2 = zeros(n2, 1); % 第二层节点状态