Subject subject = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
时间: 2023-12-08 17:02:51 浏览: 178
这段代码使用 Apache Shiro 框架中的 SecurityUtils 类获取当前正在执行的主体(Subject)。主体指代当前的用户或程序,可以是一个已经认证过的用户、一个匿名用户或一个程序。通过获取主体,可以进行身份认证、授权等操作。在这段代码中,我们可以利用获取到的主体进行一些安全相关的操作,比如判断当前用户是否有权限执行某个操作。
Subject subject = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); User user = (User) subject.getPrincipal();
These lines of code involve the Apache Shiro security framework.
The first line retrieves the current subject, which represents the user or entity currently interacting with the system.
The second line retrieves the principal, which is the identity or user account associated with the subject. In this case, the principal is cast as a User object, which likely contains information such as the user's username, roles, and permissions.
Overall, these lines of code are used to retrieve information about the currently authenticated user, which can then be used to enforce security policies and restrictions within the application.
Subject subject=SecurityUtils.getSubject();不能成功报错