num_labels, labels, stats, centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(th2, connectivity=8)
时间: 2024-06-04 09:12:18 浏览: 122
This line of code uses the `connectedComponentsWithStats()` function of the `cv2` module in Python's OpenCV library. It takes in a binary image `th2` and computes the connected components of foreground pixels in the image.
The function returns four values:
- `num_labels`: the total number of connected components found in the image
- `labels`: a matrix of the same size as the input image, where each pixel is assigned an integer label corresponding to its connected component.
- `stats`: a matrix containing statistics for each connected component, such as its area, centroid, and bounding box dimensions.
- `centroids`: a matrix containing the centroid coordinates (x,y) for each connected component.
The `connectivity` parameter specifies the connectivity of the foreground pixels, which can be either 4 or 8. A connectivity of 8 means that two pixels are considered connected if they share a corner or an edge.