请给我一个具体的Python代码示例,要求利用这篇文献的思路Cleaning GeoNames Data: A Case Study for Natural Language Processing
时间: 2024-06-10 15:10:16 浏览: 91
import pandas as pd
import re
# load GeoNames data
df = pd.read_csv('geonames_data.csv')
# remove duplicate rows
df = df.drop_duplicates()
# remove rows with missing values
df = df.dropna()
# remove non-alphabetic characters from names
df['name'] = df['name'].apply(lambda x: re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z\s]+', '', x))
# convert all names to lowercase
df['name'] = df['name'].apply(lambda x: x.lower())
# remove stop words from names
stop_words = ['the', 'of', 'and', 'in', 'to', 'a', 'for', 'on', 'at', 'with']
df['name'] = df['name'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join([word for word in x.split() if word not in stop_words]))
# remove names shorter than 3 characters
df['name'] = df['name'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join([word for word in x.split() if len(word) > 2]))
# remove names that contain numbers
df['name'] = df['name'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join([word for word in x.split() if not any(char.isdigit() for char in word)]))
# save cleaned data to file
df.to_csv('cleaned_geonames_data.csv', index=False)