use encoding to detect relative, normed 3d coords翻译
时间: 2024-01-24 14:01:47 浏览: 106
"use encoding to detect relative, normed 3d coords" 翻译为中文是“使用编码来检测相对的、规范化的三维坐标”。其中,"encoding" 指的是将输入数据转换为向量或特征表示的过程;"relative" 指相对的、相对于某个参考点的;"normed" 指被标准化的,即已经除以了一个标准差或范数的数据。因此,这句话的意思是使用编码技术来检测相对于某个参考点的、已经被标准化的三维坐标。
def _inference_pose3d_can(self, keypoints_scoremap, hand_side, evaluation, train=False): """ Inference of canonical coordinates. """ with tf.variable_scope('PosePrior'): # use encoding to detect relative, normed 3d coords x = keypoints_scoremap # this is 28x28x21 s = x.get_shape().as_list() out_chan_list = [32, 64, 128] for i, out_chan in enumerate(out_chan_list): x = ops.conv_relu(x, 'conv_pose_%d_1' % i, kernel_size=3, stride=1, out_chan=out_chan, trainable=train) x = ops.conv_relu(x, 'conv_pose_%d_2' % i, kernel_size=3, stride=2, out_chan=out_chan, trainable=train) # in the end this will be 4x4xC注释