(d,τ)-robustness: A pattern α is (d, τ)-robust if d is the maximum number of items that can be removed from α for the resulting pattern to remain a τ-core pattern of α • For a (d,τ)-robust pattern α, it has core patterns • A colossal pattern tends to have a large number of core patterns • Pattern distance: For patterns α and β, the pattern distance of α and β is defined to be • If two patterns α and β are both core patterns of a same pattern, they would be bounded by a “ball” of a radius specified by their core ratio τ • Once we identify one core pattern, we will be able to find all the other core patterns by a bounding ball of radius r(τ) Ω(2d ) α β α β α β D D D D Dist ∪ ( , ) =1− ∩ Dist(α,β ) ≤1− 2 /τ 1 −1 = r(τ ) Robustness of Colossal Patterns翻译解释概念
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