for i=0:10:100 eval(['filename="',num2str(i),'.xlsx"']); file=fullfile(pathname,filename); eval(['data_',num2str(i),'=xlsread(file)']); end
时间: 2024-01-21 09:02:30 浏览: 80
这段代码在循环体中使用了 eval 函数,可以动态生成变量名和执行代码。具体来说,循环遍历了一个 0 到 100 的整数序列,步长为 10,从而生成了文件名 "0.xlsx","10.xlsx","20.xlsx" 等。然后,使用 fullfile 函数将文件名和路径名拼接起来,形成完整的文件路径。最后,通过 eval 函数读取 Excel 文件中的数据,并将其存储在以 data_i 命名的变量中,其中 i 的值为当前循环的整数。这样就实现了对多个文件中的数据进行读取和存储。
怎样得到如下代码的拟合数据clear all clc %加载数据 pathname="D:\项目\MicroWell102\软件\热电偶温度拟合算法\热电偶温度拟合算法20230531\20230526\data\"; for i=0:10:100 eval(['filename="',num2str(i),'.xlsx"']); file=fullfile(pathname,filename); eval(['data_',num2str(i),'=xlsread(file)']); end count=1; figure(count) count=count+1; for i=0:10:100 evalStr=['mean_data_' num2str(i),'=mean(data_',num2str(i),',1);']; eval(evalStr); end Channle=cell(1,10); for i=1:6 Channle{1,i}=[mean_data_0(i),mean_data_10(i),mean_data_20(i),mean_data_30(i),mean_data_40(i),mean_data_50(i),mean_data_60(i),mean_data_70(i),mean_data_80(i),mean_data_90(i),mean_data_100(i)]; end y_Value=[0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100]; a=cell(1,6); yn=cell(1,6); for i=1:6 a{i}=polyfit(Channle{i}(5:11),y_Value(5:11),2); yn{i}=polyval(a{i},Channle{i}(5:11)); figure plot(Channle{i}(5:11),yn{i},'o') hold on plot(Channle{i}(5:11),y_Value(5:11),'r--') hold off title(['channle',num2str(i),'拟合结果']); end %y=a{i}(1)*x^2+a{i}(2)*x+a{i}(3)
这段代码是用来处理热电偶温度数据的,数据存储在多个 Excel 文件中。首先,使用循环结构读取这些文件的数据。接着,计算每个文件中数据的平均值,并将它们按照不同的通道存储在一个名为 Channle 的 cell 数组中。然后,对每个通道的数据进行二次拟合,得到一个二次函数的系数,用来将温度转换为电压信号。最后,绘制出拟合曲线和原始数据的对比图。
This code will not work as intended. There are a few syntax errors present:
1. The function `eval()` is unnecessary in this case, as the code inside the string can be executed directly.
2. The second argument to `xlswrite()` should be a matrix or cell array of data to write to the file, but instead it is a string.
3. The second argument to `xlswrite()` should be enclosed in parentheses, but they are missing.
4. The third argument to `xlswrite()` should be the sheet name, but instead it is another string.
Here is a corrected version of the code:
filename = ['data', num2str(i), '.xlsx']; % create filename
xlswrite(filename, data, 'Sheet1'); % write data to file
This assumes that a variable `data` containing the data to write has been defined elsewhere in the code.