时间: 2023-11-03 16:55:31 浏览: 232
function [xopt, fopt] = cmaes(func, x0, sigma0, varargin)
% CMA-ES algorithm for nonlinear optimization.
% function [xopt, fopt] = cmaes(func, x0, sigma0, varargin)
% func - handle to the objective function
% x0 - starting point (column vector)
% sigma0 - initial step size (scalar)
% varargin - additional parameters passed to the objective function
% (optional)
% xopt - optimal solution found by the algorithm (column vector)
% fopt - function value at the optimal solution
% See 'cmaes_example.m' for an example of usage.
% [1] Hansen, N. "The CMA Evolution Strategy: A Tutorial" (2011)
% [2] Hansen, N. "The CMA Evolution Strategy: A Comparing Review"
% (2016) - https://arxiv.org/abs/1604.00772
% [3] Hansen, N. "Benchmarking a BI-population CMA-ES on the BBOB-2009
% Function Testbed" (2010) - https://arxiv.org/abs/1004.1745
% Emanuele Ruffaldi, 2017
% dimension of the problem
n = length(x0);
% default options
options.lambda = 4 + floor(3 * log(n)); % population size
options.mu = floor(options.lambda / 2); % number of parents
options.weights = log(options.mu + 1/2) - log(1:options.mu)'; % weights
options.weights = options.weights / sum(options.weights); % normalize
options.mueff = sum(options.weights)^2 / sum(options.weights.^2); % variance-effectiveness of sum w_i x_i
options.cc = 4 / (n + 4); % time constant for cumulation for C
options.cs = (options.mueff + 2) / (n + options.mueff + 5); % time constant for cumulation for sigma control
options.c1 = 2 / ((n + 1.3)^2 + options.mueff); % learning rate for rank-one update of C
options.cmu = min([1 - options.c1, 2 * (options.mueff - 2 + 1/options.mueff) / ((n + 2)^2 + options.mueff)]); % learning rate for rank-mu update of C
options.damps = 1 + 2 * max([0, sqrt((options.mueff - 1) / (n + 1)) - 1]) + options.cs; % damping for sigma
options.pc = zeros(n, 1); % evolution path for C
options.ps = zeros(n, 1); % evolution path for sigma
options.B = eye(n); % coordinate system matrix
options.D = ones(n, 1); % diagonal matrix of square roots of eigenvalues
options.eigenval = zeros(n, 1); % eigenvalues
options.xmean = x0; % mean of the current population
options.sigma = sigma0; % step size
% parse user defined options
names = fieldnames(options);
for i = 1:2:length(varargin)
if ismember(varargin{i}, names)
options.(varargin{i}) = varargin{i + 1};
error('Invalid parameter name: %s', varargin{i});
% initialize population
pop = repmat(options.xmean, 1, options.lambda) + options.sigma * randn(n, options.lambda);
fitness = zeros(options.lambda, 1);
for i = 1:options.lambda
fitness(i) = func(pop(:, i), varargin{:});
% main loop
for t = 1:1e6 % maximum number of iterations
[~, idx] = sort(fitness, 'ascend');
xold = options.xmean;
xmean = pop(:, idx(1:options.mu)) * options.weights; % calculate new mean
z = options.B' * (pop(:, idx(1:options.mu)) - repmat(xold, 1, options.mu)); % calculate z
pc = (1 - options.cc) * options.pc + sqrt(options.cc * (2 - options.cc) * options.mueff) * z / options.sigma; % update evolution path for C
ps = (1 - options.cs) * options.ps + sqrt(options.cs * (2 - options.cs) * options.mueff) * options.B * z; % update evolution path for sigma
B = options.B * (eye(n) + options.c1 * (pc * pc' - options.B * options.D * options.B') + options.cmu * z * (repmat(options.weights', n, 1) .* z')); % update coordinate system matrix
D = diag(options.D.^2);
D = D^(1/2) * (eye(n) + options.c1 * ((repmat(options.weights', n, 1) .* pc) * pc') + options.cmu * (z * (repmat(options.weights', n, 1) .* z'))) * D^(1/2); % update diagonal matrix of square roots of eigenvalues
[~, ind] = sort(options.eigenval, 'descend');
options.D = diag(diag(D(ind, :))); % sort diagonal matrix
options.B = B(:, ind); % sort coordinate system matrix
options.eigenval = diag(D).^2; % update eigenvalues
options.sigma = options.sigma * exp((options.cs / options.damps) * (norm(ps) / norm(normrnd(0, 1, n, 1))) - 1); % update step size
if mod(t, ceil(1 / (options.cc + options.cs) / n / 10)) == 0 % check stopping conditions every n/10 iterations
if max(diag(D)) / min(diag(D)) > 1e7 % check condition number of D
if sum((options.sigma * options.B(:, end)).^2) > ((1.4 + 2 / (n + 1)) * n)^2 % check if maximum coordinate exceeds typical range
if max(fitness) - min(fitness) < 1e-10 % check function value range
% generate new population
pop = repmat(xmean, 1, options.lambda) + options.sigma * options.B * diag(randn(n, options.lambda) * diag(sqrt(options.eigenval))) * options.B' * randn(n, options.lambda);
for i = 1:options.lambda
fitness(i) = func(pop(:, i), varargin{:});
if min(fitness) < fopt % update best solution
fopt = min(fitness);
xopt = pop(:, fitness == fopt);
options.xmean = xmean; % update mean
options.pc = pc; % update evolution path for C
options.ps = ps; % update evolution path for sigma
options.B = B; % update coordinate system matrix
options.D = D; % update diagonal matrix of square roots of eigenvalues
其中,`func` 是指目标函数的函数句柄,`x0` 是指变量的初始值,`sigma0` 是指初始步长。`varargin` 是可选参数列表,将传递给目标函数。
函数的输出是 `xopt` 和 `fopt`,分别表示最佳解和最佳解的目标函数值。
该实现中使用了默认的参数,但是也可以通过在 `varargin` 中指定参数来更改默认值。