[ WARN:0@0.370] global loadsave.cpp:244 cv::findDecoder imread_('4.jpeg'): can't open/read file: check file path/integrity
时间: 2023-12-23 07:02:41 浏览: 254
As an AI language model, I do not have access to the context of the error message. However, the error message seems to indicate that there is an issue with the file path or the integrity of the file "4.jpeg". The imread() function is unable to open/read the file, which suggests that the file may not exist or the path to the file may be incorrect. You may want to double-check the file path and ensure that the file exists in the specified location. Additionally, you can try opening the file manually to ensure that it is not corrupted or damaged.
[ WARN:0@0.004] global loadsave.cpp:244 cv::findDecoder imread_('F:/1.1jpg'): can't open/read file: check file path/integrity
程序出现[ WARN:0@0.009] global loadsave.cpp:244 cv::findDecoder imread_('L28.png'): can't open/read file: check file path/integrity该怎么解决
这个警告信息表示程序无法打开或读取文件 "L28.png",可能是由于文件路径不正确或文件损坏导致的。你可以尝试以下几个解决方法:
1. 确保文件路径正确:检查文件路径是否包含正确的文件夹名称和文件名,并确保文件存在于指定路径中。
2. 检查文件权限:确保你有足够的权限来读取该文件。如果你没有权限,请修改文件权限或将文件移动到你有权限的位置。
3. 检查文件完整性:确保文件没有损坏。你可以尝试使用其他图像查看器打开该文件,或者尝试打开其他图像文件来验证。
4. 检查文件格式:确认该文件是一个有效的图像文件,例如 PNG 格式。如果文件不是一个有效的图像文件,你可能需要重新下载或获取正确的图像文件。