select t1.month_id, count(distinct offer_name), '今年往月新增有订购' as A from zone_crmchk.dwd_sum_zhuliuxxsc t1 left join zone_crmchk.dwd_sum_zhuliuxxsc t2 on t2.month < t1.month group by t1.month
时间: 2024-02-19 19:01:07 浏览: 89
这是一个 SQL 查询语句,用于统计每个月新增有订购的 offer 数量。其中,t1 和 t2 都是来自于 zone_crmchk 数据库中的 dwd_sum_zhuliuxxsc 表,并通过左连接来进行关联。具体来说,t1 表中的记录代表着当前月份的数据,而 t2 表中的记录则代表着之前月份的数据。通过在 t2 表上添加条件 t2.month < t1.month,可以保证只统计之前的月份。最后,根据 t1.month_id 进行分组,并使用 count(distinct offer_name) 统计不重复的 offer 数量,最终得到的结果会显示在第三列,显示的内容为“今年往月新增有订购”。
select t1.month_id, count(distinct case when t1.offer_type_name='主套餐' then offer_name end) aa, count(distinct case when t1.offer_type_name='促销' then offer_name end) bb, count(distinct case when t1.offer_type_name='可选包' then offer_name end) cc, count(distinct case when t2.offer_type_name='主套餐' then offer_name end) aaa, count(distinct case when t2.offer_type_name='促销' then offer_name end) bbb, count(distinct case when t2.offer_type_name='可选包' then offer_name end) ccc, from zone_crmchk.dwd_sum_zhuliuxxsc t1 left join zone_crmchk.dwd_sum_zhuliuxxsc t2 on t2.month < t1.month group by t1.month, count(distinct case when offer_type_name='主套餐' then offer_name end) aa, count(distinct case when offer_type_name='促销' then offer_name end) bb, count(distinct case when offer_type_name='可选包' then offer_name end) cc
根据您提供的 SQL 查询语句,我发现其中存在一个逗号(,)出现在了 FROM 子句之后,这是一个语法错误。您需要将逗号(,)删除,同时将查询语句修改为如下形式:
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN t1.offer_type_name='主套餐' THEN offer_name END) aa,
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN t1.offer_type_name='促销' THEN offer_name END) bb,
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN t1.offer_type_name='可选包' THEN offer_name END) cc,
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN t2.offer_type_name='主套餐' THEN offer_name END) aaa,
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN t2.offer_type_name='促销' THEN offer_name END) bbb,
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN t2.offer_type_name='可选包' THEN offer_name END) ccc
zone_crmchk.dwd_sum_zhuliuxxsc t1
LEFT JOIN zone_crmchk.dwd_sum_zhuliuxxsc t2 ON t2.month < t1.month
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN offer_type_name='主套餐' THEN offer_name END),
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN offer_type_name='促销' THEN offer_name END),
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN offer_type_name='可选包' THEN offer_name END);
select a.month_id, sum(b.aa) aa, sum( bb, sum( cc, '今年往月新增订购' as A from ( select month_id, sum(aa) aa,sum(bb) bb,sum(cc) cc from ( select month_id , count(distinct case when offer_type_name='主套餐' then offer_name end) aa, count(distinct case when offer_type_name='促销' then offer_name end) bb, count(distinct case when offer_type_name='可选包' then offer_name end) cc, from dwd_sum_zhuliuxxsc where substring(crt_version,1,4)='2023' group by month_id ) ptuser group by month_id ) a join ( select month_id,sum(aa) aa,sum(bb) bb,sum(cc) cc from ( select month_id , count(distinct case when offer_type_name='主套餐' then offer_name end) aa, count(distinct case when offer_type_name='促销' then offer_name end) bb, count(distinct case when offer_type_name='可选包' then offer_name end) cc, from dwd_sum_zhuliuxxsc where substring(crt_version,1,4)='2023' group by month_id ) ptuser group by month_id ) b on a.month_id >= b.month_id group by a.month_id order by a.month_id;如何改成计算今年往月(不包含本月)的统计
您可以将子查询中的 `where substring(crt_version,1,4)='2023'` 改为 `where year(crt_version) = year(current_date()) and month_id < month(current_date())`,这样就只会统计今年往月的数据(不包含本月)。修改后的 SQL 语句如下:
select a.month_id,
sum(b.aa) aa,
sum( bb,
sum( cc,
'今年往月新增订购' as A
from (
select month_id, sum(aa) aa,sum(bb) bb,sum(cc) cc
from (
select month_id,
count(distinct case when offer_type_name='主套餐' then offer_name end) aa,
count(distinct case when offer_type_name='促销' then offer_name end) bb,
count(distinct case when offer_type_name='可选包' then offer_name end) cc
from dwd_sum_zhuliuxxsc
where year(crt_version) = year(current_date()) and month_id < month(current_date())
group by month_id
) ptuser
group by month_id
) a
join (
select month_id,sum(aa) aa,sum(bb) bb,sum(cc) cc
from (
select month_id,
count(distinct case when offer_type_name='主套餐' then offer_name end) aa,
count(distinct case when offer_type_name='促销' then offer_name end) bb,
count(distinct case when offer_type_name='可选包' then offer_name end) cc
from dwd_sum_zhuliuxxsc
where year(crt_version) = year(current_date()) and month_id < month(current_date())
group by month_id
) ptuser
group by month_id
) b
on a.month_id >= b.month_id
group by a.month_id
order by a.month_id;
注意,这里的 `current_date()` 函数是 MySQL 中获取当前日期的函数,如果您使用的是其他数据库,获取当前日期的函数可能有所不同。