unsigned long long 在printf中是什么格式
时间: 2023-11-11 07:04:19 浏览: 345
在 `printf` 函数中,可以使用 `%llu` 格式说明符来打印 `unsigned long long` 类型的数据。例如:
unsigned long long num = 18446744073709551615ull;
printf("The maximum value of unsigned long long is: %llu\n", num);
The maximum value of unsigned long long is: 18446744073709551615
要注意的是,在 `%llu` 格式说明符中,`ll` 表示长度修饰符,用于指定要打印的参数的类型为 `unsigned long long`。
unsigned long long如何用printf输出?
可以使用%llu格式标志符来输出unsigned long long类型的值。例如:
unsigned long long num = 1234567890123456789ull;
printf("%llu", num);
需要注意的是,在格式标志符%和llu之间不能有空格,否则会导致编译错误。同时,也需要在数值后面加上后缀"ull",表示该数值为unsigned long long类型。
printf unsigned long long int
printf is a C function used to print formatted output to the console or a file. unsigned long long int is a data type in C used to represent integers that are at least 64 bits in size and can only hold non-negative values.
To print an unsigned long long int value, you can use the following format specifier in printf:
For example:
unsigned long long int num = 18446744073709551615ULL;
printf("The value of num is: %llu\n", num);
The value of num is: 18446744073709551615