时间: 2023-10-31 22:51:31 浏览: 84
1. disp('Hello, world!') % 输出字符串
2. fprintf('The value of x is %d\n', x) % 输出变量值
3. fprintf('The value of x is %.2f\n', x) % 输出变量值,保留两位小数
4. disp(['The value of x is ', num2str(x)]) % 将数字转化为字符串输出
5. disp(['The values of x and y are ', num2str(x), ' and ', num2str(y)]) % 输出多个变量值
6. disp(['The sum of x and y is ', num2str(x+y)]) % 输出表达式结果
7. disp(['The size of A is ', num2str(size(A))]) % 输出矩阵的大小信息
8. disp(['The maximum value in A is ', num2str(max(A(:)))]) % 输出矩阵中的最大值
9. disp(['The minimum value in A is ', num2str(min(A(:)))]) % 输出矩阵中的最小值
10. disp(['The mean value of A is ', num2str(mean(A(:)))]) % 输出矩阵的平均值