printf unsigned long long int
时间: 2023-11-23 15:08:02 浏览: 71
printf is a C function used to print formatted output to the console or a file. unsigned long long int is a data type in C used to represent integers that are at least 64 bits in size and can only hold non-negative values.
To print an unsigned long long int value, you can use the following format specifier in printf:
For example:
unsigned long long int num = 18446744073709551615ULL;
printf("The value of num is: %llu\n", num);
The value of num is: 18446744073709551615
unsigned long 和 unsigned int
unsigned long和unsigned int是C语言中的数据类型修饰符。它们与signed long和signed int的区别在于是否带有符号。
unsigned long是无符号长整型,它可以存储非负整数,范围从0到4294967295(2^32-1)。
unsigned int是无符号整型,它也可以存储非负整数,范围从0到4294967295(2^32-1)。
这两个数据类型修饰符的主要区别在于它们的范围和存储空间大小。unsigned long的范围和存储空间大小比unsigned int更大。
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
unsigned long ul = 4294967295;
unsigned int ui = 4294967295;
printf("Unsigned long: %lu\n", ul); // 输出:Unsigned long: 4294967295
printf("Unsigned int: %u\n", ui); // 输出:Unsigned int: 4294967295
return 0;
c语言printf函数long unsigned int怎么输出
使用 `%lu` 格式控制符来输出 `long unsigned int` 类型的数据。例如:
unsigned long num = 4294967295UL;
printf("num = %lu\n", num);
num = 4294967295