ccf a类会议有哪些
时间: 2024-03-29 17:28:07 浏览: 256
1. 计算机视觉领域:CVPR(IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)、ICCV(International Conference on Computer Vision)、ECCV(European Conference on Computer Vision)
2. 人工智能领域:AAAI(Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence)、IJCAI(International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
3. 数据挖掘和数据库领域:SIGMOD(ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data)、VLDB(International Conference on Very Large Data Bases)
4. 自然语言处理领域:ACL(Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics)、EMNLP(Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing)
5. 机器学习领域:NeurIPS(Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems)、ICML(International Conference on Machine Learning)、COLT(Conference on Learning Theory)
以上是一些CCF A类会议的例子,但是这个列表可能会随着时间的推移而改变。