用Verilog HDL设计一个交通灯故障告警电路,HDL描述方法不限
时间: 2023-06-13 20:02:07 浏览: 119
以下是一个简单的Verilog HDL描述交通灯故障告警电路的例子:
module traffic_light_fault_alarm(
input red_light,
input yellow_light,
input green_light,
output alarm
// 定义灯的状态枚举类型
typedef enum {RED, YELLOW, GREEN, OFF} light_state_t;
// 定义当前灯的状态
light_state_t current_light_state;
// 定义故障标志
reg fault;
// 定义状态机
always @ (red_light or yellow_light or green_light or fault) begin
// 灯的状态转移逻辑
case (current_light_state)
RED: if (green_light) current_light_state = GREEN;
else if (yellow_light) current_light_state = YELLOW;
else if (fault) current_light_state = OFF;
else current_light_state = RED;
YELLOW: if (red_light) current_light_state = RED;
else if (green_light) current_light_state = GREEN;
else if (fault) current_light_state = OFF;
else current_light_state = YELLOW;
GREEN: if (yellow_light) current_light_state = YELLOW;
else if (red_light) current_light_state = RED;
else if (fault) current_light_state = OFF;
else current_light_state = GREEN;
OFF: if (red_light or yellow_light or green_light) current_light_state = RED;
else if (fault) current_light_state = OFF;
else current_light_state = OFF;
// 检测故障
if (red_light and yellow_light and green_light) fault = 1;
else fault = 0;
// 如果有故障则触发警报
assign alarm = fault;
这个电路包含一个状态机,用于控制交通灯的状态。如果在任何时候,红、黄、绿三种灯都亮起来,则表示故障。在这种情况下,故障标志会被设置为 1,告警输出会被触发。状态机的逻辑在 always 块中实现,如果需要添加其他的功能,只需要在这里添加相应的逻辑即可。