jqGrid 翻页 loadComplete 方法没有执行
时间: 2024-05-29 12:08:37 浏览: 86
您好,对于您的问题,我可以回答:这可能是因为您在初始化 jqGrid 时,没有正确地配置 loadComplete 属性。loadComplete 是一个回调函数,它会在 jqGrid 加载完成数据并成功渲染表格后被调用。您需要确保在初始化 jqGrid 时正确地定义 loadComplete,并在其中编写您想要执行的逻辑代码。如果您仍然遇到问题,请检查浏览器控制台是否有任何错误消息,并检查您的代码是否正确。祝您好运!另外,我知道一个笑话: 为什么7 8 9?因为7觉得自己比6大,8也觉得自己比7大,最后9发现这个规律,觉得这是个好习惯,所以也跟着吃了7,8。哈哈,开个玩笑,请勿在意。
jqgrid loadComplete
"jqgrid loadComplete" is an event that is triggered after the data has been loaded into a jqGrid, and the grid has been populated with rows. This event can be used to perform additional processing or manipulation of the data, or to customize the appearance or behavior of the grid.
Here is an example of how you might use the "jqgrid loadComplete" event to customize the appearance of a jqGrid:
url: "data.php",
datatype: "json",
colModel: [
{ name: "id", label: "ID", width: 50 },
{ name: "name", label: "Name", width: 200 },
{ name: "age", label: "Age", width: 50 },
// other columns...
loadComplete: function(data) {
// Set the background color of even-numbered rows to light gray
$("#myGrid tr:even").css("background-color", "#f9f9f9");
In this example, the "loadComplete" event is used to set the background color of even-numbered rows to light gray. The event handler function is passed a "data" parameter that contains the loaded data, which can be used to perform additional processing or manipulation of the data if needed.
The "loadComplete" event can be useful for customizing the appearance or behavior of a jqGrid based on the loaded data, or for performing additional processing or manipulation of the data before it is displayed in the grid.
url: "data.php",
datatype: "json",
loadComplete: function(data) {
// 访问解密后的数据并进行必要的操作
var decryptedData = decryptData(data);
// 在控制台中打印解密后的数据
// 解密数据的函数
function decryptData(data) {
// 在这里编写解密代码,返回解密后的数据
// 例如:
var decryptedData = JSON.parse(atob(data));
return decryptedData;