时间: 2023-08-23 07:29:36 浏览: 85
% Load the source texture image
source_image = imread('source_texture.jpg');
% Load the target image
target_image = imread('target_image.jpg');
% Define the patch size for the texture synthesis
patch_size = 25;
% Define the number of iterations for the synthesis algorithm
num_iterations = 500;
% Perform the texture synthesis
synthesized_texture = texture_synthesis(source_image, target_image, patch_size, num_iterations);
% Display the synthesized texture
% Save the synthesized texture to a file
imwrite(synthesized_texture, 'synthesized_texture.jpg');
% Texture synthesis function
function synthesized_texture = texture_synthesis(source_image, target_image, patch_size, num_iterations)
% Convert the source and target images to grayscale
source_image = rgb2gray(source_image);
target_image = rgb2gray(target_image);
% Calculate the size of the synthesized texture
num_rows = size(target_image, 1);
num_cols = size(target_image, 2);
% Initialize the synthesized texture with random noise
synthesized_texture = uint8(rand(num_rows, num_cols) * 255);
% Define the search window size for patch matching
search_window_size = 50;
% Define the weight for the patch matching and texture synthesis terms
alpha = 0.5;
% Loop through the specified number of iterations
for i = 1:num_iterations
% Find the best matching patch in the source image for each patch in the synthesized texture
for r = 1:patch_size:num_rows-patch_size+1
for c = 1:patch_size:num_cols-patch_size+1
% Get the current patch from the synthesized texture
current_patch = synthesized_texture(r:r+patch_size-1, c:c+patch_size-1);
% Find the best matching patch in the source image
best_patch = find_best_patch(source_image, current_patch, search_window_size);
% Replace the current patch in the synthesized texture with the best matching patch
synthesized_texture(r:r+patch_size-1, c:c+patch_size-1) = best_patch;
% Apply the texture synthesis term to the synthesized texture
synthesized_texture = alpha * synthesized_texture + (1-alpha) * target_image;
% Display the current iteration
disp(['Iteration ', num2str(i), ' of ', num2str(num_iterations)]);
% Patch matching function
function best_patch = find_best_patch(source_image, current_patch, search_window_size)
% Calculate the size of the source image
num_rows = size(source_image, 1);
num_cols = size(source_image, 2);
% Initialize the best patch and its error to be infinite
best_patch = zeros(size(current_patch));
best_error = Inf;
% Loop through the search window
for r = 1:search_window_size:num_rows-search_window_size+1
for c = 1:search_window_size:num_cols-search_window_size+1
% Get the current patch from the source image
source_patch = source_image(r:r+size(current_patch,1)-1, c:c+size(current_patch,2)-1);
% Calculate the error between the current patch and the source patch
error = sum(sum(abs(current_patch - source_patch)));
% Update the best patch and its error if the current patch is a better match
if error < best_error
best_patch = source_patch;
best_error = error;